@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Ce n’est pas comme ça que ça devait se passer…

Faits saillants de la LNH aujourd’hui – De nombreux excellents matchs de la LNH parmi lesquels choisir hier soir, j’espère que vous avez pu en assister à un ou deux excellents. Les Sénateurs d’Ottawa contre les Hurricanes de Caroline étaient un spectacle absolu en tête de liste étant l’inconduite du tir de pénalité de Brady Tkachuk contre Kochetkov, et il y a des questions légitimes qui circulent à Ottawa en ce moment. Abonnez-vous pour plus de nouvelles et de rumeurs sur la LNH, une couverture comme celle-ci des faits saillants des ouragans contre les sénateurs, des échanges et des signatures, des réactions à des moments amusants comme le micro et plus encore. Hockey LNH #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #nhlnews


  1. I won't write them off just yet. They have played the least number of games, and one good run of play can get them potentially into a top 3 spot in the Atlantic division. But having said that, the upcoming schedule is tough. 12 of their next 15 games are on the road. Including two 5 game road trips with one of those starting on Thursday and then they play again on Friday in Dallas. This is why them getting off to another slow start has got to be frustrating. They have already played a lot of games at hime and now they have to play a lot of road games.

  2. DJ is the 6th longest tenured coach in the NHL. How he is still employed is beyond me considering most of the coaches above him have Stanley cups. Oilers fire Woodcroft and go on an 8-game win streak, they need a good coach now

  3. As a leafs fan this video is hilarious. The senators need more leadership from either a new coach or a new player

  4. It's actually worse than it appears. The Sens have played all of 6 games(26%) this season on the road. 74% of their games thus far have counted as home games(including Sweden). This means that 35 of their remaining 59 games(59%) will be road games. Things get real this season starting tomorrow when they kick of a sequence of 6 of 7 games on the road…5 of which are against current playoff teams. By the end of December, Ottawa will either be effectively done for the year, or will rise to the challenge. I'm not personally expecting much as this team was not good on the road last year(.426) and is a .500 road team this year thus far.

  5. Oh my goodness, the poor Sens fans who have to drive a full 23 minutes from downtown to Kanata. 30 with traffic. Oh the horror.

  6. Ottawa vs Canes, Ottawa came out strong in the 1st period. Then the second period came and just as the announcers were talking about their lack luster performance through out the season in the 2nd period, they fell apart. I think Ottawa has a good team, but horrible leadership.

  7. They have games in hand and theyve shown glimpses of being good but nobody is held accountable so they just fall asleep during games. This is the issue with the coaches the players can do whatever they want and nothing changes DJ and his staff just sit there like nothing is happening meanwhile the team on the ice just goes into a nosedive at random points in the game.

  8. Brady has a tendency to be a crybaby, and that rubs off on the team. It's easy to lose focus when your captain is out there whining.

  9. you didn't mention their huge amount of games in hand. I don't think the sens are going to make the playoffs unless they become consistent. But if they maintain their .500 hockey and make up all their games in hand they aren't at the bottom of the league and are closer to the playoffs.

  10. How does the coach still have his job ? Also with those games in hand they will make a comeback. One game at a time boys !

  11. As Red Wings fan, please don't fire your coach.. please 😅.. if ya'll do you guys might like go on a run..
    Thank you!🙏

  12. sens need to start winning all these games in hand and get on a roll. it looks worse than it is because they have like 5-7 games in hand on alot of these teams but they need to start winning. need to break the habit of winning 1 and then losing 1

  13. I went to the game last night, drove an hour to get there, all to watch my team disappoint once again. We gotta figure this out no excuses

  14. As much as I would worship the ground that Alfredsson walks on.

    Ottawa keeps announcing back of house additions to short-term results.

    Feels like when Gretsky coached the coyotes.
    Just gimmicks and no results.

  15. Going into last night's game against Carolina they had the 2nd worst gsaX in the NHL (behind Carolina interestingly enough). Their goaltending has been terrible as have their special teams. If it doesn't improve there is little chance they can salvage the season. They've also had some poor luck in that they haven't gotten any loser points from their close games, they are the only team in the east with no OT losses. Their record would look a lot better if they were something like 11-9-3 instead of 11-12-0.

  16. still a lot of games to play though, and ottawa is way behind everyone else in games played. They've been holding 500 playing quite badly, and when you consider the red wings are only 2 games above 500 and are leading the wild card right now…. there's a lot of hockey left in the season. Anything could happen

  17. The sens have been super mid but I don't think enough attention is being brought to how many games in hand the Senators have on the rest of the teams in the wild card race.If the Sens play slightly above 500 hockey and lose more in OT they'll have the same record as the bolts in 7 games (who have 5 OT/SO losses). It would definitely take a change from how they're playing right now but I wouldn't count this team (or any team with 7 games in hand) until after xmas.

  18. Idk man, the seas have played 23 games compared to the Lightning's 30 and only have 2 fewer wins … and you don't hear anybody saying it's time for Tampa to give up on a playoff spot this year. The Sens need 2 wins and 5 OT losses to in their next 7 games to have an identical record to Tampa. People look at the standings and forget Ottawa has played 4-7 fewer games than EVERY team they're trying to catch for a wild card spot. If they win 7 in a row like Edmonton just did they'd have as many wins as the Bruins. I think it's too soon to give up on Timmy Stu and the boys, they'll turn it around.

  19. **** the Senators they're a dirty team with this ****ing clown as their Captian, everytime they start loosing they goon it up they're a ****ing absolute joke. 0 cups, missed the playoffs in 6 years years in a row, deadlast in the divison. **** off Senators fans

  20. I think they shouldn't change a thing! This is how I like the Senators season to go every year.

  21. I personally think the problem starts and ends with their goaltending. The Senators had their most successful seasons under Jacques Martin. Why do you think they brought him back as an "advisor"? My bet is Martin will soon be the coach.

  22. Well, what would you do if your own 8M$ earning Captain costs you on average close to 3 minutes of trying to counter the opponents PowerPlay per game when your team is the second worst on PK in the whole league ? Would you still let him keep that C ? Or would you lift that burden off his shoulders until he cools down and refocus exclusively on what he usually does best which in his case is pure scoring… A new coaching staff woul have to reassess that, bring a whole other spin on their defense, bring them a mch better discipline and built their confidence from there for next season, cause this one's toast.

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