@Blues de Saint-Louis

Réaction : Les Blues de St. Louis virent Craig Berube !

Sur « Hot Take Central » sur 590 The Fan KFNS, les gars ont discuté du licenciement de l’entraîneur-chef Craig Berube, vainqueur de la Coupe Stanley, des Blues de St. Louis. #nhl #stlouisblues #craigberube


  1. as soon as i was wondering your takes on this you post. thanks so much guys!

  2. This is the ugly side of business. Armstrong needed a fall guy for his shitty decisions and the teams lack of effort.
    Fans know Berube was the least of the teams problems and will always be a legend in STL.

  3. Bad move by Army!! Kyrou seems like the cancer in the locker room! I'll be looking intensely at how they come out playing tomorrow night!

  4. It was decided when they gave up 4 goals in one period against vegas. Just a waiting for the right time to do it. Last night was. They should have won that game. They should have won at least 5 or 6 losses. The problem has been Craig. He lost the team. There obviously hasn't been any fire or discipline. I hope the next coach implements pain and and punishment for not back and forechecking. For not following through with hits. For not shooting the freaking puck at every opportunity during a pp. They're not a bad team but was being coached poorly. There is your answer. Best wishes to Craig. He is awesome and will get hired next year by another team.

  5. I like Army but this is on him he brought in players that didnt fit Craigs system, i remember when they fell in love with K. Faulk the could only play the right side and they chose to give him the money over Alex Pietrangelo i knew this was a bad deal

  6. Dayummmmmm. Yesterday you guys mentioned the possibility and shot it down. Crazy world. After winning the Cup, the dismantling of everything Blues continues. Sigh.

  7. i had a feeling if we lost our 4th in a row against the Wings that they would fire Berube even though i put zero blame on him. All the blame should be put on the shoulders of Armstrong for how he constructed the roster and the contracts he handed out to some of these players.

  8. This is an outrage, the Blues will never learn. No matter how you slice it, Craig Berube was the scapegoat for the mess Doug Armstrong has put us in the last three years. Terrible contracts and roster management stemming from not re-signing Pietrangelo. When do the Blues and ownership have enough of Armstrong the architect of this group? There lays your problem.

  9. Is there a potential this team gets worse because they start blaming each other for berubes firing? Whos to say the players dont get pissed at army and dont give any more effort then they already are to spite Army?

  10. Swapping Kyrou, for a young Top line Defenseman, would go a lot farther in solving the Blues problems than firing Chief

  11. I have nothing to add to any of the comments below. The Blues fan base seems to be in agreement. It is not often you want to keep the coach when things go downhill. I think Blues fans would have been fine with Armstrong being fired.

  12. Would it have made more sense to just fire Ott for the power play being so bad ????

  13. I had heard rumors of Berube firing for the past week. Oh hell no, lets not talk about a coach losing his locker room !

  14. I Just Wonder If Craig Berube Could Have Fired Doug Armstrong For Putting This Roster Together If Berube Would Have Fired Armstrong. And Then Asking Him To Coach This Roster. It`s Not The Coaches Fault For The Roster He Is Given To Coach. With Bad Long Term Contracts, No Trade Contracts The Team Not Playing Team Defense All The Defensemen Are All Offensive Minded Defensemen. Craig Berube Got The Shaft Should Have Been Doug Armstrong He Made This Mess.

  15. Blues should erect a 23 man statue hosting the cup, with the entire coaching staff in bronze looking on from behind congratulating one another. And engrave the name of every single Blues fan from 2019 on the ground around it. Just ask Dewitt to donate some of the money he saved this off season to a fellow Saint Louis teams commemorative cause.

  16. Steve Ott Was A 3rd Or 4th Line Player I Don`t Think He Was Ever On The PowerPlay. He Should No Way Be Coaching The PowerPlay The PowerPlay Is Awful/Terrible Get Ott Out Of There Fire Him Now.

  17. Massive mistake by the blues. you can't chop the team into nothing and then blame the coach. then again that kind of has always been the blues way.

  18. The power play dance is the lamest thing I have ever seen in sports. It really is time for something else.

  19. Well, I don't know what the right move was here because the Blues organization basically dismantled the Stanley Cup team within a couple of years of winning the cup and completely changed the team's identity. Armstrong may have pulled the trigger, but you must think that Berube had some input on the personnel decisions. I don't know the process by which they evaluate and acquire players. I only know that this team ain't playing for Berube – they've looked uninspired, unprepared, and underwhelming for the last two years.

    Can somebody motivate this team and put in a system where this group of players can compete? Berube wasn't getting it done with these guys, so now we'll have to wait and see if the next guy can make this team competitive, consistent, and accountable. I like a lot of the players on this team, and I think collectively, the forwards have the firepower to create a good offense, but the defense is leaky and terribly inconsistent.

    Parayko has been solid this season, and Faulk is having a down year in terms of defensive and offensive. Krug is a terrible waste of time, money, and resources (St. Louis media needs to stop kissing his butt). If Perunovich has another level, he sure ain't shown it yet. Marco Scandella's return has been better than I thought, but I never thought that much of him in the first place though. Leddy is a good skater who, at times, does a good job in his own zone, but he's not a game-changer. It's kind of the story of the entire Blues defense – at times, yes, they are good, but not one of them is the guy that can take over a game – look around the league, and you'll notice a common factor when it comes to good teams – a dominating defenseman. Or at least a solid defensive core – the Blues have neither. And it doesn't look like there is any help coming through the organization anytime soon.

    Binnington has been a rock that's been attacked by jackhammers in terms of other teams' offense against him. He can't hold up to that kind of pressure because it's not the shot totals; it's the fact that none of the Blues defensemen can move anybody from in front of the net, and scoring chances are insane against the Blues. I like Hofer, but playing behind this kind of defense can be demoralizing for a young goaltender.

    Armstong and the Blues organization have created this mess. Berube wasn't the first victim of poor decision-making, and he'll most likely not be last, but at the end of the day, you play with the guys you've got. Berube couldn't get much out of them; we'll just have to hope the next guy has some solutions to this seriously flawed team. Viva La Blues

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