@Blues de Saint-Louis

Jordan Kyrou répond aux commentaires d’avant-match après la victoire des Blues

Jordan Kyrou a clarifié ses commentaires d’avant-match concernant le changement d’entraîneur après une victoire de 4-2 contre les Sénateurs d’Ottawa le 14 décembre 2023.


  1. Imagine crying cause the fans held you accountable for being a dick. The whole "no comment" says everything about his relationship with Chief. Fuck this kid. I'd trade him if his value wasnt rock bottom at the moment.

  2. Is this supposed to appease us peasants and make us forget about the soft play? First of all, the Blues social media is very manipulative for posting this and Armstong deserve just as many boo's as Kyrou. Secondly, Jordan got $65 mil on an 8×8 that could have gone to guys like Perron, ROR, Barbi, Vladi. We're supposed to forget about the comments about Berube's culture, Kyrous turnovers, lack of offensive production why exactly? I would have actually respected if the kid came out and told everyone to go f*ck themselves because crying is a worse look for a hockey player/franchise than whatever this is. Again, Armstrong deserves all the boo's as well. The kid needs to grow some hair on his chest, nut up, and compete every shift which he does not do.

  3. Im just so confused why the Blues are actually posting this? Do you guys think one win and our pity for this kid crying will absolve you of the poor play? You should delete this it is such a bad look for a hockey franchise. This is arguably a worse look for a hockey franchise than if that investigation of the U18 team Jordan was on bore any fruit.

  4. It’s kinda crazy that everyone’s hating on kyrou so much. He’s an amazing player, he has potentiometer. Nobody’s able to deny that, and nobody’s able to deny that he hasn’t been the best recently. Nothings gonna happen if we bash on our players though. Can’t just scapegoat on kyrou. He’s not the only problem in the franchise. Everyone’s getting mad because he went from great to not great. Give him some time. See what happens, only way he’ll get better is by supporting him for 8 years, not hating on him.

  5. stl has a grinder and hustler fetish .. they do not like scoring and offensive minded players .. stl would put bedard on a 4th role checking line and cry he is not fighting and grinding ..

  6. The STL fanbase isn't the classy of fans of years past. A lot of entitlement has taken over in that region.

  7. I think that kind of stuff from those fans is really tacky and uncalled for. I’ll always support Roozy. He’s so lethal when he gets goin! He’s gonna get there with teammates / fans / citizens who understand him and lift him up. Don’t ever forget that Winter Classic against Minnesota too. Awesome team-earned W tonight gents. LGB

  8. The people booing and coming in here to hate on him even more make me embarrassed to be a Blues fan. We’ve got to have the worst and dumbest fanbase in hockey

  9. CB moved too many players around with a quick trigger that hurt continuity. I get it that he didn't want to overload top line with Roto and Skyrou but… that's what top lines need to have. Plus, it might push Skyrou to play harder, be more engaging in game, and pay more attention when going against other top lines. Think about it. Putting either one of them on a 3rd line is not right. CB did this too many times with his lines. Let them make mistakes so they'll think about correcting them instead of demoting them and hanging their heads, imo. Believe it or not we're all humans.

  10. Was it a dumb comment, absolutely. Did he pay for it and clarify it, absolutely. It’s time to let it go

  11. St Louis Blues fans are pathetic for this. The guy seems like a very genuine and passionate guy who loves to play there, and he gets booed for basically nothing? Go f*ck yourselves whoever booed.

  12. I think next game we have to cheer for him whenever he touches the puck. Just cuz youre mad at someone doesnt mean you stop supporting them. Lfg kyrou lets start this fire

  13. St. Louis sports fans make me sick. This guy could have done something criminal to your family and you'd applaud him for being honest. Yikes. This dude is the biggest POS in the organization since Keenan. Cry your fake tears Jordie. You have the power now, we see you. He wants a friendly coach, not a leader. He wants to be told he's doing so good on the potty. Dude deserves to get booed and deserves to get run out of town. Fake crying in a hockey interview over being a cancer is a new low. Sean Avery is having a field day with this mutt. Fire Army, trade Kyrou and eat some of the salary. This little femboy needs to go play lacrosse.

  14. Booing your own player over a next to nothing comment is pathetic. Maybe Kyrou and Berube butted heads. We don't see what goes on behind the scenes. People like to call Kyrou sensitive then get all butt hurt and make a mountain over a mole hill.

  15. He deserved to be booed. Kid needs to learn some respect. And if getting booed makes you cry, you're in the wrong sport son. Now let's get an Armstrong sucks chant going at the next game.

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