@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Mathieu Joseph, Travis Hamonic et DJ Smith Disponibilité d’après-match vs STL

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith, l’attaquant Mathieu Joseph et le défenseur Travis Hamonic après le match de ce soir contre les Blues de St. Louis à l’Enterprise Center. 0:00 DJ Smith 2:02 Mathieu Joseph 4:17 Travis Hamonic


  1. Bro he doesn’t fucking admit the team didn’t play well never never have I heard him we were terrible he also says the other team was better holy yapper

  2. Good stuff to hear from Jo the only guys I haven’t been enraged with this year he has took a big role of lead especially in the effort department

  3. Common theme here is they play like shit after team gatherings, when are they going to learn? They were playing well until the Christmas party, then they have team dinner at the Tkachuk's last night. Hopefully they can act like pro atheletes rather than a bunch of buds on a road trip tonight so that they are ready tomorrow

  4. I turned it off at 3 0. I've seen enough dumpster fires this season. Fire DJ already!!! What the fuck??
    The "stability" has pissed off a huge part of the fan base

  5. Coach, what did you see from your team here tonight?

    Answer should be, “Not a whole heck of a lot.”

  6. Edmonton changes coach, turns the ship around, wins 8 straight games. Ottawa keeps doing the same thing over and over waiting for different results.

  7. It goes beyond DJ, this team is a joke top to bottom. I'm including Staios who apparently needs a whole season of observing before making the sort of changes that were obviously needed before game one.

  8. Every night, every team's mission will be either to be patient and wait for the Sens to implode or jump on them early and get them into fights.

  9. Ottawa should hire Berube RIGHT AWAY. This is disrespectful to us fans. We have been here for 6 years during the suffering but not the GM or owner with all due respect!!

  10. PLEASE why do we still think DJ is a sustainable option?? He played 45 NHL games and never coached in the NHL before he was given a coaching job for a REBUILDING TEAM. He doesn’t know how to coach an NHL team and it’s embarrassing for fans to look at every other fan base laughing at us and saying, “DJ still had a job?” WE NEED A REAL COACH

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