@Blues de Saint-Louis

Les fans des Blues de St. Louis huent Jordan Kyrou après les commentaires de Craig Berube | Le rapport sportif de Jesse Blake

Dans cet épisode de The Jesse Blake Sports Report, cette semaine, le président des opérations hockey et directeur général des Blues de St. Louis, Doug Armstrong, a pris la décision de congédier l’entraîneur-chef Craig Berube. Après le renvoi de Bérubé mardi soir, l’attaquant des Blues Jordan Kyrou s’est adressé aux médias mercredi matin et a semblé exprimer son mépris pour son ancien entraîneur-chef. Les fans de Saint-Louis n’ont pas bien pris cela et ont hué Kyrou plus tard dans la soirée. Kyrou a ensuite tenu une mêlée médiatique émotionnelle après le match en réaction aux huées. Abonnez-vous au Jesse Blake Sports Report partout où vous obtenez vos podcasts ! Visitez https://www.sdpn.ca/jbsr pour en savoir plus ! Enregistré : 15 décembre 2023. Visitez https://sdpn.ca pour des produits dérivés et plus encore. Suivez Jesse sur Twitter à @JesseBlake Suivez Jesse sur Instagram @Jesse.Blake Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. Its the cumulation of everything over the last few years for Blues fans. The boos come from the frustration of Doug Armstong selling off all the talent on the Blues roster to go all-in on these young guys, and then they don't deliver at all, while throwing the coach that brought us a Stanley Cup under the bus. He has 10% of the salary cap and has 5 goals this year. Kyrou has so much potential but doesn't make a strong effort on the ice, doesn't back check, constant turnovers, etc… he's not the problem in STL but he made himself a target for fans frustrations with those comments.

  2. If Jordan isn't a dumb@ss and answer the original question about Berubes firing then its a non issue. As a player ur response should be : It's on the players to be better and unfortunately our coach paid price for our lack of success. Simple

  3. I don't have a problem with Jordan wearing his emotions on his sleeve like he did but, that's also exactly what those Blues fans were doing when they booed him :/

  4. Made me so angry. Such a bad move from the fans. Good to treat one of your star and who this team will build around in the future. Shame! Of course he wants out now

  5. The fun part was Jeremy Rutherford didn't add the actual questions he asked.

    For the Bannister Question what he was asked was.

    What were your thoughts on the coaching change? Does it seem like a fresh start?

    and the Berube question was.

    There’s so much out there about the relationship between you and Berube. Is there anything you would want to say about that?

    Jeremy Rutherford deliberately didn't provide the full context of his questions so he could cause drama and generate clicks.

  6. Im disappointed in Jordan's production, Im disappointed that we have to keep having the conversation about 2 way hockey and his lack of effort, Im disappointed that we had to fire our only cup winning coach in history to try and send a message about accountability, Im disappointed that Kyrou's response to that firing took NO amount of his accountability and the hand it played in that firing, Im not happy about the booing anymore than im happy when i have to yell at one of my kids and give them a tough love message to hopefully help them become a better person. I still love them, and i what actions i do take are because i DO love them and I DO want them to succeed.

  7. I wasn't in St Louis last night, but as a lifelong Blues fan, I and many of my compatriots feel that the wrong guy got fired. Armstrong has made some real head-scratcher roster moves and signed some guys to NMC contracts that have tied his hands (Krug, Binnington) or let some very popular players walk (Pietrangelo, O'Reilly) or even unceremoniously ushered them out the door (Perron, Husso) with a "don't let it hit ya on the way out". The way he treated Perron was the icing on the cake for me. The Vrana thing isn't helpful. We like Hayes (he's technically a Tkachuk, after all, so a sort of hometown kid coming home to heal after a tragedy) but most of his roster moves since the Cup win have been negative, regardless of cap-era constraints. And he signed Robert Thomas and Jordan Kyrou to huge 8-year deals. Hearing him scapegoating Berube in that post-firing presser when he damn near got the silk purse out of Army's sows ear of a team emptied what little goodwill he had left with a lot of us.

    RE Thomas/Kyrou: With Thomas, we're getting almost a point a game from the guy who was originally cited as the lesser of the wondertwins, but Kyrou has definitely not been playing up to that contract and fans have been frustrated with him almost since the word go. If you find Berube's final postgame presser, you'll see him publicly call out Kyrou specifically. Look back to the Canucks game and you'll see more of it. Kyrou was closed to whatever Chief was selling, his +/- was abysmal. I know that's a shitty stat to hang an argument on, but it's reflective of the feeling among Blues fans that he coughs up the puck too much and doesn't backcheck. He was -9 going into that game versus the Sens, where he was +3 for the first time in what feels like forever, -33 career. He has as many points as Thomas has assists. So when he said that, and importantly Jeremy Rutherford tweeted out just that "No comment, he's not my coach anymore" without much context, he was set up to be booed every time he touched the puck. Shame on Rutherford for misrepresenting the player's overall interview for clicks, but Kyrou ignoring that he has a defacto leadership role on this team because of his salary, and his words have weight is just part of the bigger picture for Blues fans.

    On a hopeful note, I really like Bannister. He has a good rep and favors a faster, more modern, fun-to-watch game of hockey with less reliance on grinding it out. He has a good history with Kyrou from his AHL days and maybe he can turn this young player around and lead a team of misfits back to the playoffs. We'll see, but whatever happens, a lot of the Blues faithful have lost faith in Armstrong.

  8. Kyrou seems like a huge pussy in this whole debacle. I think it's obvious management fired Berube because some of his players weren't taking a liking to his coaching style, probably Kyrou among them, although I won't speculate. /s

    So management essentially chooses you over the coach that helped them win a Stanley cup in a season where the were completely out of the playoffs through most of the season, and then you give this asshole answer to the media about that coach, where all he had to say was:

    "Yeah I mean I wish him the best. We didn't see eye to eye on some things, but yeah management's moved on and we gotta move on as a team as well, but yeah I wish him good luck wherever he goes."

    No this guy goes "No comment. He's not my coach anymore."

    And then has the nerve to cry like a baby when he's booed for not only being 'perceived' as the guy who caused the firing of a coach loved by the fans, but also because he's been dogshit this year. Weak minded player.

  9. Kyrou did nothing wrong. Berube lost the room. Fans don’t understand what it’s like to have a job to do no matter how you FEEL.

  10. so. i may be in the minority here but something like this needed to happen.

    kyrou had a career year last year, but was still a minus on the season. his defense was not good enough considering the rest of the teams defense and overall he wasnt in the highest standing with the fanbase.

    then this year hes not scoring or playing defensively and a lot of that is on how berube played him. but fans just see the numbers.

    kyrou finally gets a fresh start and in the moment didnt want to say what he actually felt about berube so he said no comment. but added a bit of a jab. even if it wasnt intended, it still wasnt necessary. i doubt he would have been booed if he just said no comment.

    so now hes learned that you need to be very careful with what you say. but with this reaction, its a reset for both him and us as fans. this CLEARLY shows he cares and wants to be here, and it is a reminder to him that the fans listen and care too.

    so i hope this is a restart for everyone and kyrou goes on a 15 game point streak. and if that happens blues fans better be chanting "SORRY KYROU!!"

  11. I'm incredibly disappointed in your video and your poor choice of words. In the weeks leading up to Berube's firing two other NHL coaches were fired one in Edmonton and one in Minneapolis. To a man, the players on both teams took responsibility for the coach losing his job. The players acknowledged that their poor play rather than bad coaching was the real issue. Fast forward to the Berube firing Captain Brayden Schenn and goaltender Jordan Binnington make similar statements, saying it was the players poor play rather than bad coaching that contributed to this season's inconsistent results. When Kyrou was given the opportunity to speak about the firing his response was no comment, he isn't my coach any more. How are those words misconstrued? Kyrou's play has been the biggest disappointment on this team this season. Kyrou, of all people should have made a statement about his own poor play contributing to Berube's dismissal. Instead we get "No Comment" Kyrou is getting paid more than any of the remaining players from the Stanley Cup team. Kyrou wasn't on that Cup team but yet Kyrou talks about culture. The biggest assumption you make in this video is that Kyrou is crying because he cares. I tend to think Kyrou is crying because he is being called out for his unprofessional comments. The truth is we simply don't know why he is crying. He is a 25 year old grown man who makes $8.1 million per season. His behavior last night was childish and embarrassing. 18 year old Blackhawk Connor Bedard is so polished and ariculate, Kyrou could learn a lot from Bedard in how to carry and present yourself. What I found interesting is the lack of public support Kyrou received from his teammates last night. I am sure the Blues PR staff will get Captain Schenn in front of reporters today to make a statement but the fact that Kyrou didn't receive that support last is telling. The past 24 hours simply reinforced what most Blues fans already knew. 1. The relationship between Berube and Kyrou was strained. 2. Kyrou is a mercurial player who tends to be petulant. 3. There are deeper issues with team chemistry within the Blues locker room.

  12. Jesse,
    Respectfully, I believe your take on Kyrou was a bit off the mark.
    Yes, its true he didnt get along with Chief, and Im sure hes happy Chief is no longer his coach. But to excuse his comment by saying ‘Look, this guy cares about the Blues’ seems to miss the mark.
    His comment was disrespectul, rude, and not neccessary. In addition, thats not how a leader or even just a professional would or ahould respond to that question.
    I would say he should have taken the high road by publicly praising Berubes coaching achievements etc. That would have showed some emotional maturity on Kyrous end. Instead he looks like a immature, fragile ‘kid’ who had to figure out that he said the wrong thing AFTER the fact.

  13. They needed to stop that media scrum with Kyrou. Dude's having a breakdown and they keep asking him questions.

  14. As a Blues fan I didn’t like the quote. Berube is a legend here. But the booing was out of line and no player deserves that from their home crowd. I expect him to be in the starting lineup Saturday night and they need to cheer loudly when his name is called. Kyrou is too important to this team moving forward.

  15. The fans booo-ing Jordan should be ashamed of themselves. Seriously. Could you imagine having everything you do and say recorded??

  16. I was so pissed when I heard these idiots booing him. Maybe i'm a softy but seeing his post game interview made me tear up. Love Kyrou and the Blues. Made me wish I could jump through my phone and give him a hug 😅

  17. I am a huge Kyrou and Blues fan but I'm sorry Kyrou didn't deserve to be booed by our fans. It was wrong and I really felt for Jordan. BTW we weren' t doing very well in 2019 and we brought in a new coach then too AND REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED? And we were much worse of a team than we are now.

  18. We are tired of Kyrou and his lazy, stand-around, lose the puck all the time gameplay. What he said about Berube's firing was just the icing on the cake and Blues Fans have had enough of him. Too much money for so little return.

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