@Lightning de Tampa Bay

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Faits saillants de la LNH 2023 – Les Oilers d’Edmonton contre le Lightning de Tampa Bay ont été un match extrêmement marquant qui nous a fourni beaucoup de divertissement. Et bien que la séquence de 8 victoires consécutives des Oilers ait été interrompue, Connor McDavid au cours du dernier mois a été sensationnel et les faits saillants des Oilers à partir de cette époque montrent une équipe totalement différente de celle d’aujourd’hui. Abonnez-vous pour des récapitulatifs/réactions sur les faits saillants de la LNH aujourd’hui, de nombreux contenus des Oilers d’Edmonton et de McDavid, des nouvelles et des rumeurs commerciales occasionnelles et bien plus encore, comme ce jeu Lightning vs Oilers. LNH 2023 #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #edmontonoilers


  1. 2 empty netters. Goaltending just wasn't there last night. Plus Vasy had one of his greatest ever, it's a meh, don't really care. Tampa was lucky.

  2. Even though the Oilers lost its not that they played horrible, that games was some of the best hockey I have seen them play, it’s just some unfortunate goals that should have been stopped by skinner

  3. Lets talk about Stuart Skinner. Its like he is a different goalie since the Oilers chose wisely to send their money goalie down to the minors. Campbell I suspect will probably be bought out this summer. Where as Skinner? He seems to be much better knowing he is no.1. What a confidence boost.

  4. I think the cup is theirs if they can get a goalie. Watching that team play last night. Man…. They are right there, they just need goaltending.

  5. vaseline-y was greasy last night..stole that game for TB holy shit. I can't be mad about how the oilers played, they played really well.

  6. i thought this vid was gonna be about the oilers goaltending letting the team down again

  7. Pretty sad when the goalie is the sole reason for like 90% of there losses. Skinner and Ceci are so bad it hurts my head to watch them play

  8. Tough way to lose, but hats off to Vasy. Tampa was giving up A LOT in the 3rd even and Vasy had their back all the way. Skinner let in a couple stinkers, 2 flukey ones, and a snipe and that's game. Throw in a couple empty netters and that's game. If Goalies were reversed that game could have easily been 10-2.

  9. Can we address the elephant in the room? I think its pretty clear that we CANNOT rely on Skinner. He should be in the AHL, too. Calvin Pickard has already proven to be twice the goalie. They should just pull up both their farm team tendies and send soup and skinner to the ahl until their contracts expire. am i being hyperbolic? i absolutely dont believe i am. They have had YEARS to prove themselves, and have CONSISTANTLY fallen short

  10. Oilers are playing the best hockey I've ever seen. Yes they lost to an elite goal tender but they will come back. Defence is playing great now under Coffey and it doesn't surprise me a team as good as Tampa Bay can finally get a win on these guys during an 8 game winning streak. I said earlier they are getting losses out early in the season and building from there. This team is great and I'd feel bad if your team has to face them in the playoffs

  11. The oilers completely outplayed Tampa after the first like 10 minutes. They outshot them 57 – 24 and were defending well. Unfortunately skinner let in 2 goals he should save 9/10 times and it just deflated them while Vasey stood on his head. Still very optimistic with this team and it’s coaching staff, if they could have even league average goal tending that would be enough to get them far.

  12. I'm still worried about our goaltending though, Skinner was shaky yesterday and isn't really consistent. Vasilevsky outplayed him so hard

  13. But, still, without proper D and goaltending, it will be another year of fans spending money on misguided hope, and, empty promises for next year from management.

  14. This is all great but GOALIE is a HUGE issue. Skinner is giving up too many. I think it is time to see if Pickard can drop this number down.

  15. Thinking Ohtani would go to Toronto? Really? Of course the losers city was just bargaining chip

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