@Flyers de Philadelphie

Flyers de Philadelphie 2011-2012 [Knock Knock- Mac Miller] (HAUTE DÉFINITION)

Les Flyers de Philadelphie 2012 gonflent [Fan Video] (À but non lucratif – Utilisation équitable) Chanson : Mac Miller – Knock Knock JPac Productions Pour plus de vidéos de dépliants, visitez : http://philadelphiaflyersvideos.blogspot.com/


  1. Mac miller sucks. The penguins should play ground up when they win since they're from Philly and are a lot better than Mac miller.

  2. if you love sidney crosby you better be scared because the game after his gay ass speach 7 people tried to kill him

  3. yes thank you this current team is not dirty and is full of character players that hav a ton of heart but for some reason people always just look at them as a dirty team just cus of their past

  4. Man I thought it was soo cool the guys player Mac in the locker room my favourite team listening to my favourite artist .. damn time flies.. #LLMM 😪😪😪

  5. This was cool! I remember these playoffs and other Mac Miller/Flyers videos…this is a stand out! Great Job!!

  6. I know this video is 10 years old but it’s still super ironic using a Mac song on a team he probably despised lmao

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