@Bruins de Boston

Le centre des Bruins de Boston David Pastrnak expulsé pour avoir embarqué le défenseur des Rangers de New York Ryan Lindgren

16 décembre 2023 : L’attaquant des Bruins de Boston David Pastrnak a reçu une pénalité majeure et une inconduite dans le match pour avoir abordé le défenseur des Rangers de New York Ryan Lindgren. En savoir plus sur Scouting the Refs : https://scoutingtherefs.com/2023/12/42837/bruins-pastrnak-ejected-for-boarding-rangers-lindgren/ @scoutingtherefs


  1. in what world is that a worse hit than Cousins on Gudbranson? the officiating this season has been an inconsistent disgrace.

  2. That’s a brutal hit. You just can’t make that hit at that speed. He had plenty of time to let up too. Dont think he is a dirty player but that was a bad bad hit that can really hurt someone and it deserves a suspension for a couple games imo

  3. A dirty hit because he took 5 strides @ full speed and hit him in the numbers while lindgren’s head was going into the boards, plus pastrnak has been going after lindgren for a few games now. If Ryan reaves was still a Ranger this crap wouldn’t be going on, because as great a player/goal scorer pastrnak is, Reaves would kick the shit outta him !!!! 5 min major with a game misconduct fits, no need for suspension , its the rough tuff nhl not the soft af nfl !

  4. Boston Bruins game announcers should be embarassed for their blatant one sided remarks constantly coming out of their Dumbass Mouths. They must have taken lessons from the Red Sox crew!

  5. Should b suspended 4 life ,that was awful the way he totally abused the boards ,march was on the ice he needs suspension as well

  6. I remember a guy with high collars and a little dog, said there were gonna be problems if you took away the players' ability to police themselves. Now you have this mess. Every Saturday night he used to preach this. Instead of having to answer to someone like Lee Norwood, there will be a Zoom meeting.

  7. The commentators are just as much goons as the BOS team are.
    He tries to hit his shoulder lol really?
    That is clear pasting his face to the glass at full speed no letting up !

  8. One of the definitions of charging is accelerating through the hit. The other is the amount of distance one traveled to do so. Doesn't matter though. The major was called. What I want to know is this? How much retribution from Pasta does it take to be satisfied when it comes to getting even with Lindgren? I thought he evened up the score when he concussed Ryan last year after the big hit. Evidently not. Keep in mind he took Lindy out earlier in the game as well. The lack of respect towards opposing players is getting out of hand. Did you see that slash from Dunn on Doughty last night. He doesn't get a call from the ref during a one on one with Drew, so he exacts his revenge on the King's player. Have you also noticed that players aren't going straight to the box anymore like they use to? Every penalty called is being contested in one way or another.

  9. No real retaliation from New York, should have been pummeled right there, this will falter the Rangers, no backbone 20 years ago would have been Bostons blood on the ice, this new hockey really takes away from the game, especially when when you board someone and no line brawl, WTF.

  10. I’m a Rangers fan and I can understand the frustration of the Brus fans because the Brus probably win if Pastrnak doesn’t get ejected but if you examine that hit he changed his shoulder angle just enough to drive Lindgren into the boards. I don’t think he’s a dirty player by nature and honestly as a Rangers fan I hate his guts lol because he’s so freaking good and so strong it’s pretty much impossible to move him off the park or to move out of the crease but Lindgren was on his ass all night plus they have history and it was clearly an act of frustration.

    Add to that Brus fans forgetting that Frederic’s goal should have been disallow as he clearly made contact with the goalie skate. He wound up on his stomach. Otherwise that would’ve been an easy save for Shesty given how close to the net Frederics was. The only thing I can think of is that the refs couldn’t be 100% clear that the stick contacted is what caused the goalie to fall and you have to be 100% sure to overturn a on the ice but it seemed pretty obvious to me. Anyway, I’m super stoked for the next two games these two teams meet. Great storylines developing here.

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