@Bruins de Boston

The Killers « Battle Born » Pittsburgh vs Boston Match 4 – Ouverture de Hockey Night In Canada

« Battle Born » de The Killers ouvre le match 4 des Penguins de Pittsburgh et des Bruins de Boston lors de Hockey Night In Canada le 7 juin 2013.


  1. Matt Cooke at 2:20 gesturing as if to say "I take your money and put it in my pocket." Further solidfying his place as the biggest DB in hockey, and the reason HNIC's video montage to Karma Police is that much more accurate

  2. Amazing and stunning. I'm a pens fan and I just want to say that Boston did a great job.

  3. As a Pens fan, I'm pulling for Boston, for Jagr.

    Yes, most Pens fans like Jagr, the morons that boo him are just that and don't represent how true hockey fans in Pittsburgh feel about him.

  4. I'm a fucking sobbing mess now. No words to express how much I love the Boston Bruins and the city of Boston.

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