@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Disponibilité d’après-match de DJ Smith contre LGK

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith après le match de ce soir contre les Golden Knights de Vegas 🗣️


  1. Worst special teams in the league and the worst coach in the league. Same story every year, no change every year

  2. Everybody needs to take a lesson or two in DJ Smith's "How To Avoid Getting Fired Because You Suck At Your Job" course. I hear he's making millions off this course because he's a master at it.

  3. Congrats on all the money you’re about to lose as you continue to employ this guy. Hope it’s worth all the empty seats.

  4. Vegas just showed you how far away from the playoffs you are. They are on another level and Sens aren't even close. Bruce Cassidy could coach circles around this guy. Fire this bum already, he's in way over his head.

  5. im completely checked out. i keep hearing that DJ is still here because "the team likes him". ok? well the team sucks, dude. ive watched through the worst of it when the boys were last in the league for years and i havent felt worse about it than i do now. this is miserable.

  6. Ive completely given up i have tickets for the game December 29 i will not atttend the game. I wont even resell the tickets as i wont put anyone threw this garbage

  7. Every post game this guy has the best “I’m so fired” face. Every morning he’s probably surprised to not see a missed call from his boss.

  8. It’s going to get worse. For sure we will lose 7-8 in a row. Whole month of January no wins. Rebuild not just coach players to. 5 year rebuild. We deserve it as fans to see a losing team. People do not forgive easy so people are punish us.

  9. Fire this bush league coach man this is embarrassing the talent is there but this guy is not it.

  10. Unacceptable! Y’all need to smarten up! We’re too close to the Christmas break for you guys to play sloppy! I wish we had Talbot!

  11. Keep this guy as your head coach and they'll have no choice but to give away free tickets to the CTC because who the fuck wants to watch this dogshit?

  12. No accountability or transparency. Which is supposed to be Mr Andlauers big things. What they say and what they do are not the same. There needs to be a major shake up. Another year without playoffs. Mr Andlauer has only been a fan since this year. I have been a fan for years and tired of the same crap every year.

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