@Canadiens de Montréal

Justin Barron assure le W en prolongation avec une bécassine

Justin Barron assure le W en prolongation avec une bécassine



  1. fortytwoanswers

    My hot take is that he’d be better on the PP1 than Matheson.

  2. therealhicks

    Lovely second assist from Suzuki there as well

  3. whogivesashirtdotca

    Twice tonight the camera caught a guy in the stands wearing a jersey I don’t recognise. At 0:14, one row above the middle of the screen, fist pumping – looks like a black shoulder trim and a big white band around the bottom. Can anyone ID it?

  4. CreateorWither

    I freakin love Barron, he is so confident in the O zone.

  5. HonestDespot

    Shots like this are why when people say Barron has an unsustainable shooting percentage and isn’t having a breakout offensive year I disagree.

    He has a high end shot and great offensive instincts.

    His acquisition might end up being the best piece the Habs got out of trading vets for picks/prospects.

    Crazy to think in the preseason people were ready to write him off.

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