@Ligue nationale de hockey

Slafkovsky réagit à la pénalité « brutale »

Slafkovsky réagit à la pénalité « brutale »



  1. sextoymagic

    I agree with him. What the fuck refs.

  2. AKchaos49

    2 mins for embellishment for the other guy or no?

  3. Robocop_vs_ED-209

    Pool’s frozen there Winnipeg

  4. CaptainSaladbarGuy

    Looking like a fuckin soccer player out there

  5. Falcon3492

    The NHL refs just keep getting worse and worse! The only penalty on the play was for embellishment on blue

  6. DrDrozd12

    That’s not even a foul in soccer, and the dive and even good on top of that

  7. Why do I keep seeing jets fans say the were robbed by the reds then?

  8. shanster925

    Next time the same refs have a Jets game, there will be at least one phantom call on Appleton. Book it.

    The league needs to fire every official and start from scratch with a proper grassroots training program.

  9. 3rr0r369

    Hate when players do this stuff but there is a reason it happens in soccer, its effective. In real time its hard for a ref to see its embellishment. Its only in the replays we see what it really is. They should make an embellishment rule just to get rid of it from the game like coaches can challenge it or something but also something quick that won’t stall the game forever.

  10. You_muppet_donkey

    Guys usually get fined for it early in their careers, then settle down. Ehlers had one or two early on. Doesn’t dive any more. Appletons been around long enough to know better and usually plays pretty hard. This isn’t his usual mischief Maybe it caught him wrong? Definitely looks like a dive, just kinda out of character

  11. Free-Supermarket-516

    He’s got a point…getting real tired of this embellishment shit. Go play soccer if you want to flop like a fish.

  12. ThatBigNoodle

    I wish pro sports would review post game and put fines or 1 game suspensions for diving. I get it’s tough in real time, but it doesn’t mean we should encourage it, either.

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