@Penguins de Pittsburgh


Aujourd’hui, alors que le Wild du Minnesota est arrivé à Pittsburgh avec la possible retraite de Marc-André Fleury, l’histoire évidente était que cela pourrait être la dernière fois qu’il joue à Pittsburgh. Bien qu’il n’ait pas fini par commencer – ce qui lui a donné le temps de faire une blague à Kris Letang avant le match en changeant son casque – alors que les Penguins marquaient 3 assez rapidement, les fans scandaient « Nous voulons Fleury » après chaque but dans l’espoir que Gustavsson soit retiré afin que nous je pourrais revoir Fleury UNE fois de plus ! Crosby a également pris possession du 13e rang au total pour les points de la LNH, ce qui était cool. Je couvre tout cela dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #pittsburghpenguins #minnesotawild


  1. Hearing he's going to retire…now I feel old. I remember being in Halifax for the 2003 World Jrs and his awful looking yellow pads.

  2. Love these longer videos! Only thing is that I found the back half a little dry… lol

    Edit: ah the video was edited so now this makes no sense

  3. I seriously think they should have put Fleury in net! I was disappointed they didn't. The Wild have also gotta stop taking dumb penalties.

  4. The Pen's should sign him to a 1 day contract during the pre-season next year for a home game and put him in for the first faceoff of the game.

  5. I was a Penguins fan and then a Knights fan when that team started up here (Pens still my eastern team). So obviously, Fleury has a special place in my heart.

  6. honestly, screw the Wild's coach. Could have put Fleury in net, but nooooooooo. Had to go with Gustafsson

  7. The Wild and Penguins need to find a way to get Fluery back on the Penguins to finish his career there. It should cost the Penguins a bottom 6 player or a low draft pick.

  8. Fleury is like a caricature of a nice guy you'd see in a movie. One of the most loved players of all time. Nobody hates Fleury.

  9. Fleury coming in as a backup would be disrespectful. It was disrespectful not starting him too. It should have been Fleury’s decision, not some coach who doesn’t care about his legacy.

  10. Man, Fleury was THE guy when I was growing up. I didn't play much actual hockey, but I was always the goalie whenever we played ball hockey. That was because of Fleury. Good times man.

  11. I remember back in 2009, I was at my local gas station/convenience store, and some guy came up to me and told me that I looked like Marc-André Fleury, minus the dark eyes. I’ve never forgotten that, because it was after that happened that Flower really got on my radar. I had heard of him and knew who he was and who he played for, but I wasn’t super familiar with him, and I wasn’t a fan. I’ve watched his career ever since, and even though I’m a die hard Flames fan, I always had great respect for Flower and Sid the Kid out over on the East Coast. What a career they’ve both had. Cheers eh 🫡

  12. I think Sid and Letang could convince him for one more 'go at it,' next year in Pittsburgh. Can you imagine how hot they'd start the season?

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