@Red Wings de Détroit

Martin Frk des Lakers sanctionné par une suspension de cinq matchs

Martin Frk des Lakers sanctionné par une suspension de cinq matchs



  1. acid_coven

    Dangerous play considering the recent events.

  2. b0neslicer

    any remaining respect i had for him is gone unfortunately

  3. sunsh9ne1471

    What the fuck was he thinking??? Fuck that guy. 5 game suspension isn’t nearly enough. That was a disgusting play. Especially given the recent events

  4. TheBrothersClegane

    What the Frk was he thinking? Such a boneheaded play. 5 really isn’t much considering the potential outcome this could have had.

  5. Nbow0429

    man, he must be taking classes from Veleno. a really stupid play, surprised it’s only 5.

  6. socrates1975

    Should be booted out of hockey all together for doing something that bad :/

  7. stevief150

    never should play again. that should be the precedent set with these incidents of attempting to injure people.

  8. SpezEatsScat

    I was going to make a joke but this really isn’t a laughing matter. This is foul and he doesn’t belong on the ice. Like others have mentioned, given the recent series of events throughout the sport, the penalty is too light.

    I don’t want someone like that on my team or anyway near players. Stupid.

  9. bellringer16

    Loved Martin Frk in his time here and thay just ruined it.

  10. Maybe_A_Donkey

    Didn’t seem that nefarious Imo. Guy is pushing him over the boards. Your natural reaction is to flail a little. Pretty easy to watch a play in slow motion and make a judgment.

  11. MariachiArchery

    What the fuck. Its not like someone just died or anything. Sheesh. FFS.

  12. Wrath_Of_Aguirre

    Yeah, if he died because of that, Frk would have definitely did prison time for this one. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  13. Wildlife145

    you’d have to be mental to think he tried kicking him on purpose. the guy is pushing him over the boards if he doesn’t do that frks legs don’t flail out of desperation to keep balance, it’s a natural reaction to not fall directly on your face. anyone that thinking he should be banned from playing hockey is dumb as fuck lmao the guy pushing brought everything on himself

  14. Shotokanguy

    I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. He was right on the verge of falling in head first, and the preceding kicks were clearly him trying to rebalance himself. The last one looks bad because it goes towards the other player, but I find it hard to believe he’s trying to kick the guy. It’s just not a realistic response in my opinion, especially after the recent death that everyone in hockey knows about. Players generally don’t want to seriously injure or kill their opponents. It’s the same reason I don’t believe Mathieu Joseph was targeting Larkin’s head. These are examples of the human body being an imprecise tool that our brains can’t fully control.

  15. ---BluesDeVille---

    Blown out of proportion… The guy was trying push Frk over the wall and Frk was trying to keep from falling over it.

  16. skateamarathon

    Even his mates on the bench had the wtf look on their faces when he started kicking around

  17. nofxfanone

    Yeah that was shitty. He knew what he was doing. Ban him.

  18. Jesus Christ on a bike! After what happened to Adam Johnson less than two months ago! For Frk sake!

  19. weirdwill0w

    Only five games? Meanwhile Daniel Amesbury gets 18 for a regular hockey hit.

    Suspend this idiot permanently, that’s attempted murder.

  20. One_Handed_Wonder

    Holy fuck I found the video, ban him from the sport

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