@Blues de Saint-Louis

Sujet d’après-match : Stars de Dallas contre St Louis Blues – 16 décembre 2023

2023020469 STL gagne, 3 – 4 OT.

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  1. PunchNessie

    Good momentum in lots of areas. Let’s ride this wave into the playoffs everyone!

  2. IceKing827

    “It’s fuckin’ awesome.” -Jordan Kyrou

    The Blues’ next t-shirt.

  3. YupThatWasAShart

    St Louis blues? Fuck’n awesome. PRINT IT!

  4. Weak_Touch8638

    Kyrou REALLY did not want to give that fist-bump to Strickland. Seriously fuck Andy Strickland, everything is for his own personal gain.

  5. BaroqueNRoller

    I just want to take a second to remind everyone that I’ve never called Colton Parayko the dumbest player in the NHL or questioned his ability. Any recollections or evidence otherwise have clearly been imagined and fabricated.

  6. seeking_horizon

    Rouzy made that goal happen with his speed, he got the goalie down and dragged two defenders with him around the net. Nobody there to stop Parayko with the tap-in.

  7. weaponspree7

    Jordan “fuckin’ awesome” Kyrou

  8. TheWeedGecko

    « It’s fucking awesome! »

    That is how you can play.

    Good shit, boy.

  9. Soundwave_13

    Now that’s a good win!

    Well done Blues well done

  10. FlexSealClubber

    Gonna start a conspiracy theory that Jeremey Rutherford knew exactly what he was doing and he just wanted to light a fire in Jordan Kyrou.

  11. mhanna86


    1. Really solid game overall. Dallas is a really good team that gutted out a point on the road on the second night of a back to back but the blues overmatched them most of the game despite Wedgewood’s strong game.

    2. First line is looking dominant. Maybe chief really was overthinking it? People upset about Neighbours playing with Hayes and Toropchenko, that kinda line is right up the kid’s alley and he’s looking great there too.

    3. This was the Kyrou game. Redemption arc, homecoming, prodigal son returns, etc. Let’s hope this opens the floodgates for him.

  12. Imaginary-Diamond-26

    Anybody have a link to Kyrou’s interview after the game? I missed it!

  13. ismokedajoints

    What a bounce back. Let’s keep it going.

  14. childishbambino19

    Heh. Kyrou so excited he lets an F-bomb slip in the 1st star interview. 😀

  15. TheeVande

    Hot take (?) but I’m so happy for Kyrou and don’t think I’ve ever cheered so hard for him

  16. Dunno if anyone’s watching Bannister’s interview right now, but what an incredible vote of confidence in Kyrou. Maybe that’s what he needs, different people respond to different types of leadership. He might be the kind of guy that needs a little positive reinforcement to get motivated.

  17. pilotpip

    I’ve been critical of Kyrou, but he had one hell of a response tonight. One of his best games as a Blue. He was all over the place, on the back check, and actually fought for the puck on the boards. Parayko may have gotten the game winner, but Kyrou did the work. Good game, and good response after being down 2-0 early.

    Fans were great too. They got their point across, and 25 responded in the best way possible.

  18. Rxbluejay25

    Bannister just gave one of the most clear, concise and confident post game interviews I’ve watched in a long time. No disrespect to anyone else, he’s a great listen

  19. Rxbluejay25

    *Alexa dressed as a Christmas present.*

    “Dear Santa……”

  20. STLBooze3

    Rouzy first star, well deserved. Great response game. 1 goal, 2 assists

  21. childishbambino19

    Heh. The Facebook Kyrou bashers mob is very confused over there right now. Like that meme with the guy sweating over two buttons. Half of them are cheering him because he said « fucking awesome », the other half are continuing with their « moral superiority/premium hockey knowledge/intense modesty » but toning it down to stuff like « It’s only one game » and « I’ll need to see him do it more to change my mind hrmph! ».


    Meanwhile, it comes to mind I haven’t seen any Parayko bashing over there since right about the time they started bashing Kyrou. What purely coincidental timing!

  22. Dark_Tint

    I just want to say that Parayko is playing very good hockey this season in all areas of his game. This is how I always thought he could play which is why I’ve been so disappointed in him the past 3 seasons. I wish he’d hit a little more with that big body of his. He’s just playing so well right now and I hope it continues for a very long time.

  23. NotTheRocketman

    Very impressed with Kyrou tonight. He played a simple, straightforward game, and absolutely brutalized Dallas with his speed. Really pulling for him.

  24. CreLoxSwag



  25. radsherm

    team looks so much more energetic and happy right now…


    Lets go Drews

  26. Pantsman1084


    Ended up having the replay of the game on while I worked on a project and Bally didn’t even bother to bleep him in the 1st star interview.

    No fucks given.

  27. gabriel197600

    Strickland???? More like Dick-land, Am-I-Right?

  28. daKile57

    Obviously, great game by Kyrou. Great game by Parayko, too. He was great along the boards all game and made life tough on the Stars’ top line. Then, in OT he forces the turnover that gets us the puck, then finishes the game by following Kyrou to the net.

  29. Let’s home that this put the drama to bed for good.

  30. Oldwoodguy

    A power play goal. 25 turns it around. A come from behind win. That’s a fucking statement. Keep making us eat crow. my favorite dish. LGB!

  31. Oldwoodguy

    I dedicate this F bomb to my former coach and mentor and current friend. What makes Chief happier, the Fuckin’s on tv or his performance?

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