@Panthers de la Floride

Sujet d’après-match : Panthers de la Floride contre Oilers d’Edmonton – 16 décembre 2023

2023020472 La FLA gagne, 5-1.

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  1. dunkcitybitch

    You’re back on the case, Bobrovsky!

  2. mweaver31

    Fitting that Bob had an insane night and managed to get a point on the power play

  3. KatelynC110100

    Great bounce back and effort, we needed that! Glad Bob redeemed himself!

  4. MadIrishMan17

    Great bounce back game for the Panther’s. Mahura brought the Dayquill, you can’t convince me otherwise.

    Bob had a huge night. Let’s keep it rolling tomorrow against Hube and the Flames.

  5. Emotional_Match8169

    I decided to just sleep through this one. Ugh. Shoulda watched it!!!!!

    Thank you boys for winning and then some.

  6. User813904

    Hope this has everyone climb off the ledge now

  7. TherealDJStryker

    Hope we can keep this Up. This Team can Play much better than the last 2 Games

  8. AlvinItchyCock

    That was a huge win. Bob was outstanding and we are tough to beat when all of our top players are contributing. We can still turn this into a winning road trip if we beat Calgary next

  9. FLA-Hoosier

    This team feels so hot and cold, one moment dominating games and looking like a contender and the next getting blown out

  10. ASDF0716


  11. KnownNormie

    Alright, cancel the taxi we ordered for PoMo

  12. Jaxson_GalaxysPussy

    Late to the post game thread. But I unironically believe me fading the cats makes them win. I had bad vibes this road trip. Turns out it’s been ok. I bet oilers -1.5 mcdavid to score and Hyman to score. I’m glad it didn’t hit bc we needed the dub. But I don’t make enough money to keep betting against the cats the whole year

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