@Ducks d'Anaheim

Radko Gudas frappe sur glace ouverte sur Klim Kostin

Saison 2023-2024 Anaheim Ducks vs Detroit Red Wings 18/12/2023 Ceci est ma deuxième chaîne qui se concentrera uniquement sur le contenu de la LNH. Ma chaîne principale est ici. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd9r-o0geG0gHvboKrSxdfw


  1. Good, solid hit but I think the NHL needs to change their rules as far as letting the play go on if the team of the hurt player does not have the puck. Demar Hamlin ring a bell? This is a similar hit in the chest area and as we learned with Demar, time is of the essence so waiting to see if the attacking team scores a goal is not worth someone dying. Just blow the whistle, make sure the guy's not dead and have an offensive zone faceoff in the hurt players end of the ice. Again…not taking away from the good, clean hit (I love me some Truba hits) but no one wants to see a guy die because the refs waited to see the play unfold.

  2. Detroit fans! That’s your queue to call for a suspension against gudas and cry!

  3. I have seen Gudas hit someone and when it comes time to answer the call, he never goes out when an opponent has someone who will knock his head off, coward of a player. The last fight I can recall the coward being in was against the Ducks and he got pounded like a cheap piece of meat and begged the guy to stop punching him….What a joke of a player he is.

  4. I remember the Caps referring to Gudas as "Stewfart" … always been a physical player. That looked clean, however.

  5. stop the play when someone is hurt
    what is wrong with the nhl
    they have a department of player safety and pretend that they care about safety but they really dont
    spmeone is gonns pay a big price some day due to this stupid buttman policy
    buttman sucks

  6. Klostin had head down and crossed into the middle of ice. We are taught not to do this by Pee Wee hockey. Anyhow two tanks colliding and one got the worst of this one.

  7. did not look like so big of a hit to me,but I must admit right now I`m glad it was not me taking it. It`s hockey,not lawn tennis……,drop the puck & let them play

  8. Ducks fan here 🥴 but I think they both bounced off each other lol knock the wind outta Kostin, maybe a stinger somewhere but it wasn’t a “massive” hit. Imo tho. Take it or leave it.

  9. Gudas is getting close to the Tom Wilson league of dirty players who should be out of the NHL

  10. Got caught by the freight train? Didn’t even see the hit coming and absorbed the hit. Ducks announcers are trash

  11. Fool Gudas wants to be treated like Claude Lemieux? There are many videos on this topic. well about Lemieux..

  12. Gudas decided that he was the most wonderful of all.but in fact he is a panos🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  13. I wish he was still in Edmonton, he was such a beast. I hope he’s ok and it was just that the wind got knocked out of him

  14. What a pussy ass team. Look at them the wrong way and they take a nap. Absolutely hilarious.

  15. The references don't notice mabey they did but got mixed up he got tiered and layed down for awhile to get his energy back unbelievable and I hope he's OK 👍

  16. Every check is a near death experience for these guys. It's a wonder how Shanahan and Forsberg survived on a daily basis.

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