@Oilers d'Edmonton

POST BRUT | Kris Knoblauch 19.12.23

Kris parle des équipes spéciales de l’équipe après la défaite de l’équipe contre les Islanders.


  1. this is gonna a losing streak into the new year, and then a blockbuster panic trade as a final hail mary

  2. Where’s your leader?? Mcdavid is such a baby, never shows up to post game scrums if they lose but if they win he’s the first one in front of the camera. Guy leaves it all on his teammates just like his back checking. Oilers would be so much better without that clown.

  3. This guy not the answer behind bench! Ahl coach this team needs a guy to give em hell and hold them accountable

  4. People still think this guy had anything to do with the 8 game win streak.

    Amazing how many clueless dolts there are in the sports fanbase.

  5. First blunder of his NHL career imo, splitting up the hottest line in the league in McDavid and Nuge, and promoting Kane to the top line? I don't understand what's his reasoning for it, but patch up this mistake asap, and unite the McNuge, permanently

  6. Man I’m an Edmontonian and I am sick and tired of the solemn funeral march we put on every time we lose a game – the media, the fans, and then the players and coaches in response – can everyone just chill and let’s assess where we’re at by the all star break. Let boys play. They’re a wide open and free quick offensive team close to the top of the league in lowest shots against. These boys just put up an 8-game heater like it was nothing. Let them work my guys

  7. The Islanderes weren't even that good. Lol That's just how bad the Oilers were. Nice work Knoblauch. Any other bright ideas? Lol

  8. Jackson must be the only agent in NHL history to fleece a GM with a $4M deal for an AHL player (Brown the Clown) and steal the GMs job in the process. Lol Now that's a super agent. Lol

  9. As being oil fan for so long I don’t want to see another goalie ruined by our same goalie coach

  10. No moral victories in pro sports. Win or lose. We just keep picking the wrong one.

  11. Skinner is still a sophomore. Oilers…more like Holland bet the farm on Campbell. Didn’t turn out. Goaltending. Goaltending. Goaltending.

  12. During offense zone time players that don't have the puck just sit still. They need to move a little or else it's easy for the defense to stop passes. I see it time and time again with the guys up front (Nuge, Hyman, Drai, ext).

  13. So… Knobs says every 8 game segmants we need to win 5 and lose 3 every 8 games to make the playoffs… now we have 3 losses in this 8 game segmant.. we now need to win 5 in a row

  14. WE NEED A GOALIE I’m done with Hollands slow response. Get it done already Holland.

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