@Capitals de Washington

Le mouvement de jeunesse est en marche à Washington (espérons-le)

Publié par les Caps sur leur page Facebook. Des choses passionnantes de voir les jeunes joueurs avoir des chances. Faire des choses comme ça me rend optimiste pour l’avenir plutôt que toute cette histoire de jeunes talents d’il y a quelques années.



  1. UbiSububi8

    Plus, we’ll have a number 1 overall on the ice.

    Hopefully the youth movement rubs off on him!

  2. damididit

    I really believe Caps brass has a good plan in place for this transition period, and that they can deliver on their goal of staying competitive through this process.

    That’s not to say there won’t be highs and lows. There will be growing pains and not all of our prospects will pan out how we hope. Between these three, Protas, Fehervary, Cristall, Leonard, and Chesley, there’s a lot of players to be excited for in the coming years.

    I think this could be an audition that determines whether we make a move for a top 6 forward as has been bandied about since the end of last season, or we see if he can be that offensive injection this squad desperately needs.

    Tonight though, let’s just enjoy Miro earning his first chance to play in the show.

  3. LesDiablesRouges

    CMM, Lapi, AP, Fever, Sandin, Miro, Beck, AA all in the mix with the big club. I love AA, but obviously something isn’t completely there for the coaches with his game, BUT they’re still keeping him up and working with him – rather than leaving him exposed to waivers.

    We are retooling on the fly with youth ala 2018 vibes and I have an uncontrollable boner about it.

    Not to mention, we have Iorio, Leonard, Chesley, Cristall waiting in the wings.

    Go, Carbs!

  4. it took me too long to figure out who the fourth is, sorry Leonard.

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