@Flames de Calgary

Moi après avoir vu les Yotes faire leur retour hier

Vous ne pouviez pas simplement perdre comme les Blues, les Preds et les Oilers pour nous faciliter la tâche.



  1. Admirable-Nerve-8289

    Yotes are the real deal this year

  2. Alarmed-dictator

    Never rely on other teams for our success.

  3. Theboofgoof

    Naw fam I’m rocking with the yotes this year, they are so fun to watch

  4. KaapVicious

    Hope the Yotes go on a run so we can sneak the last wild card and get to the playoffs, but so can they. They deserve some playoff fun.

  5. Glass_of_Pork_Soda

    Fuckin love the Yotes so I don’t mind

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