@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Pourquoi ce jeu est MAUVAIS pour la LNH

Alors que la LNH envisage bientôt de modifier le format de prolongation 3 contre 3, je voulais souligner pourquoi il s’agit d’un problème et ce match entre les Capitals de Washington et les Hurricanes de la Caroline en est un parfait exemple. Dans cette vidéo, j’explique comment le 3 contre 3 OT a changé au fil des ans et pourquoi il doit changer. #hockey #3on3hockey #hockeyanalysis, #hockeyhighlights Assurez-vous de vous abonner et d’activer les notifications pour le dernier contenu ! Clause de non-responsabilité relative aux droits d’auteur En vertu de l’article 107 de la loi sur le droit d’auteur de 1976, une « utilisation équitable » est autorisée à des fins telles que la critique, les commentaires, les reportages d’actualité, l’enseignement, l’érudition et la recherche. L’utilisation équitable est une utilisation autorisée par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement constituer une violation. L’utilisation à but non lucratif, éducative ou personnelle fait pencher la balance en faveur d’une utilisation équitable. Aucune violation du droit d’auteur n’est prévue. TOUS LES DROITS APPARTIENNENT À LEURS PROPRIÉTAIRES RESPECTIFS


  1. If you leave the defensive zone with the puck you are to be declared offside if you dont cross the offensive blue line and go back to your own defensive zone. I you do not leave the defensive zone… delay of game penalty.

  2. OT should be five minutes, 5v5. No shootout. If it ends in a tie, so be it.
    The goalie in 3v3 format is walking a tightrope. Alone on an island many times.

  3. The rule change that will give it a fix would be a center line rule…. The team on attack cannot bring it back past the center line or it's a penalty for delay of game…. without control, like an arrand pass would be an icing call and bring a faceoff the attacking teams defensive zone to restart play…Defense used to chuck the puck over the glass when the pressure was on till it became a delay of game penalty… problem fixed.

  4. List of my preferred options:
    1. Eliminate OT completely. Tie is a valid game result in any other sport, and in many other hockey leagues around the world.
    2. If for whatever reason you want OT, make it 4 on 4… 3 on 3 is too volatile, so of course nobody wants to make mistake
    3. If for whatever reason you want 3 on 3 (*) leave it be and reap what you sow. New tactics will evolve.
    * if the reason why you wanted 3 on 3 was that it's more dynamic, well, now it's not, so go bak to 4 on 4

  5. Well we know the person making this video is a kid, talking about 4 on 4 overtime. What about when it was 5 on 5?
    Also only problem I see here is the Hurricanes just standing around instead of forcing a turn over. Nothing needs to change.

  6. Let change the points earned from shootout for the losing team that will get 0 point instead.

    At time of this comment CAR and NYI both have played 32 games but how on earth NYI have more points (39) than CAR (37) when they've won only 15 games while CAR won 17. There is something wrong with the points system here.

  7. Not a shot clock but a half ice rule. Once you cross the red line you can't go back to your own side unless the puck is knocked back by the other team.
    If the rule is violated then the face off goes back into your own zone.

  8. I hope they do implement it. Teams doing this is the most annoying and boring thing ever and such a cowards way out.

  9. Shot clock… This isn't basketball. Might as well suggest a baseball rule or 2. Player can't possess the puck for more than x seconds. Yup that's dumb too. I've never liked the present format. Teams that are tied in the last 5 minutes generally go into a shell and play for the point vs taking chances for the win. Same with OT.
    What I suggest is the following.
    5 minute OT. 5v5.
    2 points for the win, no loser point. Games that are still tied after OT, no points for either team
    No shootout

  10. I don’t mind it. Puck possession takes skill. 3 on 3 ot is very European. Puck possession is everything. If we are gonna change a rule I’d rather see a 20 second statue of limitations on offsides challenges. If it doesn’t directly lead to a goal then the goal stands. Any breakdown in ot could lead to 3 or 4 exciting odd man rushes, so watching players have to play perfect hockey to avoid that is fun for me 🤷🏼‍♂️

  11. Don’t really see the need to make every sport “more” exciting. If you don’t like the sport as it is, don’t watch. Or don’t play it. And if it’s not successful enough, dissapear it.

  12. How about if a team takes a penalty during 3 on 3 overtime it will be an automatic penalty shot for the other team instead of making it a 4 on 3 PP. That should be a rule implemented during regulation as well when a team is down 2 men and they take another penalty it will be an automatic penalty shot for the team.

  13. End the shootout and if the OT ends in a tie then neither team gets a point. You probably don't even need OT if you eliminate getting a point for a tie.

  14. Ties are for soccer and soccer only, soccer also sucks. Having to go to a shootout SHOULD be motivation enough for players to try and win because ask any player, especially goalies, and they will tell you they hate shootouts. However, because we have d-first teams like Carolina the league needs to improve 3 on 3. Once an attacking team crosses the red line they can’t go back behind it or it’s a loss of possession, same with the offensive blue line.Additionally, there will be no faceoff, the attacking team must revert back behind their own blue line and the possession team can enter the attacking zone uncontested in the neutral zone. Extend OT by 3 minutes as well and if there is still no winner, then, yes, a shootout. No ties!

  15. Let's go to 2 on 2 overtime!

    All kidding aside, I don't know any other major sport which changes the basic rules of the game for overtime. Going to 4 on 4 was stupid, going to 3 on 3 was stupider and all these ideas about a shot clock take the game further down the same stupidity path.

    All you have to do is tell coaches 0 points are awarded for a tie. Ie. to earn points you have to win the game. Teams would have to actually play to finish a game rather than banking cheap points.

  16. An over and back rule would definitely help and seems to be the most viable option.
    To really hammer home the 'finish it in OT' mentality they could maybe make a shootout loss not give a point but that doesn't seem likely. Same with them removing the shootout all together as others have suggested since while I hate the shootout, infinite overtime until one side wins just isn't viable in the regular season and I can't see the NHL welcoming back ties.

  17. Absolutely no to the concept of a shot clock. To succeed in OT, puck possession is crucial, but you only need to make a minor tweak and you can look to basketball's "over and back" rule (or half court violation). Once the puck carrying team crosses into the attacking zone on side (past the blue line), they can only move the puck in the offensive half of the rink; pass or carry the puck back into your half of the ice without the other team touching the puck and the refs whistle the play dead and you get a faceoff in the previously attacking team's zone, like icing. If the attacking team feels the need to retreat back from the blue line, the space to control the puck is much smaller, so they are either forced to put a shot towards the net or risk the defending team gaining possession either through a takeaway or the attacking team crossing into their half of the ice. Seems like it would be simpler to rule on as well, it's not line the offside rule and skate position–it's about who is responsible for the puck crossing the center line.

  18. What if, IF the game is tied when the Game clock runs out the 3rd period lasts indefinity as sudden death, ending with the next goal winning. that solves all the problems perfectly.

  19. I like the idea of having 2 points for a win and 10 min OT where you don't get an extra point for getting there. But you remove the shootout and have a tie that gives each team 1 point for the tie. I think teams would much more want to aim for the 2 points for that win.

  20. Shoot outs are cool to watch but I've never thought it was a fair representation of the teams. This 3 on 3 issue is just another reason to get rid of it.

  21. the 3 on 3 has become mostly boring. I've kinda hated it for a while. You do get some good moments, but mostly it's slow and boring. There's no way a shot clock would work in hockey though. I don't know. Not being able to leave the zone once you enter might be somewhat interesting. Have to see it in action first though.

  22. Take the puck back over half
    Faceoff in offending zone

    You can no longer rag the puck back over half

    easy call by the officials

    Also could add a one minute penalty for the offence

  23. Shot clocks are stupid. It takes talent to keep the puck that long. It’s the chess match with the game and it’s good for hockey

  24. Does anybody actually watch the shootout? I just turn the game off if it doesn't end in OT. Might as well just flip a coin at that point.

  25. If 3 on 3 is so wonderful why not play the whole damn game that way? It, and the shootout, are ridiculous. It's not hockey, it’s a silly spectacle.

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