@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Corrado : « Vous ne pouvez plus mettre Ilya Samsonov dans les filets »

Les Sabres de Buffalo ont battu les Maple Leafs de Toronto 9-3 jeudi soir, dans un match qui a vu Ilya Samsonov sortir du filet. C’est la quatrième fois au cours des cinq derniers matchs de Samsonov qu’il accorde quatre buts ou plus dans un match. Que devrait faire Toronto avec Samsonov ? Frankie Corrado, analyste de TSN Hockey, se joint à Jay Onrait pour en discuter.


  1. Tavaras is the problem, he was never a leader in New York and is not in Toronto, give the C to some one who cares!!!

  2. You idiot leaf fans don't you realize washington got rid of samsonov because he is a head case not mentality fit to play.

  3. So.. they Leafs had 1 shot on goal in the first 7 minutes, were flat defensively, hanging BOTH goalies out to dry, and Samsonov is the ONLY player at fault?
    Sorry, but that's BS.
    I guess that's the take I should expect from news outlets reporting about Nolan Patrick's NOT retirement 🤷

  4. Sammy obviously need's to find his confidence again and he needs to do that away from the pressure cooker that is the Leafs. That being said, you could have parked a tank in the net and the leafs still would have lost the game. Thier defense was atrocious. Easily the worst game they've played this season and that's saying a lot considering some of thier other looses. If you know your goaltender is struggling, then you have to do your best to make it as easy as possible for them. Sometimes that requires a total paradigm shift where you only have a one goal or two goal game. It's not fun for the player's. It's not fun for the fans.. But you sacrifice your stats to bail out the player that needs it the most.. Matthew's was right.. It was embarrassing. They let both goaltenders hang out to dry.

  5. Guess what the leafs don’t really have a choice on wether they play Sammy or not they kinda have to you have him and fucken Martin Jones backing him up and then you have a really talented goalie with the marlies that came over from Europe that has little to no exp playing in North America that you can’t just throw into an NHL game at random you will ruin his development so yes there is no choice to play Sammy or not.

  6. What other options do you have? If you start pulling goalies from the Marlies or AHL, you're running into the same issues. Martin Jones can't do it by himself until Woll comes back. You have to give him chances to figure it out.

  7. The Leafs can demote Sammy alright. But it doesn't address the fact that their D still sucks. Any goalie they put on net will still look bad with a second rate D.

  8. Send him to the Marlies or just have him as the back-up until Woll gets back then send him to the Marlies.

  9. 4-0 when Mathew’s out of the lineup try playing defence and get rid of Sammy before you ruin Woll

  10. Samsonov is a backup goalie but so are all 3 of the Leafs goalies. The Leafs do this all around the lineup. Bunting was a 3rd or 4th liner but they used him as a first liner so when his contract was up for renewal his numbers looked way better than they should so he wanted too much money. Same with Mikheyev, Campbell and same with Samsonov. We need a solid number one but we should upgrade the D or any goalie that plays with the Leafs will lose his confidence. The Leafs have to use players according to their abilities. Now they have been using Joseph Woll as a number one up until his injury but he is not ready to be a number one just yet. He needs to be a backup for a while to learn. They will kill his confidence if they don't fix the D and use him according to his current abilities. This all stems from the top 4 players making too much money and they do not have enough to get a couple good defensemen. The Leafs gave one of the worst Defensemen in the league last year 20 minutes a game. Justin Holl has already been a healthy scratch half a dozen times with the Wings. He is not an NHL D-man in my opinion but the Leafs even had him on the number one pairing at one point.

  11. Corrado has what 73 NHL games? He is making a statement on Samsanov being not good enough and needs to be sent down. So who takes his place Frankie? Just because you think this is the path the Leafs have to take, you don’t examine their options.
    Get better or your broadcast career will be as short as your NHL one

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