@Ligue nationale de hockey

Binnington de Bédard Michigan

Binnington de Bédard Michigan



  1. ConmanSpaceHero

    Holy Shit ballz Merry Christmas from Betsy to the Blues

  2. superfastguy

    What a goal! Bedard is going to win his team a cup in couple years isn’t he

  3. MrmmphMrmmph

    I wasn’t sure how to feel about this move in the past because it just feels like trash talking with a puck, but this version legitimately would cause a goalie to rethink his positioning if it was done enough. That’s exactly the weak corner a goalie who is playing his position well and would be open for anyone not 6-6″.

  4. john_stones23

    shocked binnington didn’t throw a temper tantrum

  5. PlaneXpress69

    I have a feeling that Bedard kid might be someone to keep an eye on

  6. 50TurdFerguson

    I’m starting to think this Bedard kid is a fuckin decent hockey player. /s

  7. cam_huskers

    As the 1OA pick on an awful team, it does have to be *kind of* fun to be able to try this kind of shit in a game your rookie year and not have to worry about it negatively impacting the team.

  8. Icefiight

    I have no fucking words except…

    Werreeeeeee not woorrrrrthhhyyyy

  9. Weird-Swim-9777

    What’s with multiple analysts calling this « backhand »…clearly on his forehand, no?

  10. GoombaStoppingHoes

    Bedard to the Hawks, Bedard Michigan on Blues, Michigan on Binnington, and Darrren Pang going to the Hawks to announce it all for at least 5 years. This has to be Blues fans 9/11.

  11. Tiger8218

    Ridiculous. Excited for what’s to come.

  12. Estelagorn

    This is insane. This kid is living up to the hype and beyond.

  13. MegasotaAdvocate

    >Bedard scores a Michigan

    Ahhh fuck, going to be seeing this highlight 24/7

    >on Binnington

    Hell yes, can’t wait to see this 24/7

  14. doctored_up

    Heard The Great One is in the house to witness tonight.

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