@Sabres de Buffalo

Will Cuylle frappe Ryan Johnson et les choses s’échauffent

Saison 2023-2024 Buffalo Sabres vs New York Rangers 12/23/2023 Ceci est ma deuxième chaîne qui se concentrera uniquement sur le contenu de la LNH. Ma chaîne principale est ici. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd9r-o0geG0gHvboKrSxdfw


  1. Good hit, good fight, good hockey. This is what this game is suppose to be. None of this whining "waaa, there's fighting in hockey" nonsense.

  2. Don't care for either team, but I'm so tired of worthless referees. 5 for fighting for each and that's it. Absolute fucking retards in white and black all over the league. It's unreal how bad the NHL allows them to be.

  3. Good check but one that needed to be punished. Some Sabre needs to jump Cuylle then tell the refs right afterward that that fight was payback for the misconducts they laid on Buffalo.

  4. Johnson doing a good job sending the message to not hit the rookie, a lot of people forget that’s part of the unwritten rules.

  5. Cuylle's left hand goes right into Ryan Johnson's face and he's a bit off the ice when contact happens. Easy to figure an older player would think that's not clean, rookie or not.

  6. How is there an instigator when the New York guy dropped his gloves first. Man these NHL refs are ass this year. I’m an oilers fan no bias. Refs are so bad this year somehow they get worse every year.

  7. It’s actually debatable if it’s a good hit. Both his skates slightly leave the ice before he lands the hit, which is not supposed to be a legal hit. Either way Ryan Johnson is a young kid and that was a good response.

  8. This bad hit was one of several calls the refs didn't blow on the Rangers including the hook on Tuch's shorthanded breakaway. The refs also missed a couple of holdings. I was surprised they called the high-sticking penalty on the Rangers hitting Tuch.

  9. why wasnt there an instigator?
    no need to have to fight after levelling a player clean

  10. That ref is a fucking idiot, lol. It's like it's his first NHL game he's ever seen

  11. What this telecast didn’t show, (rangers telecast did) is that Johnson actually stepped out of the penalty box to voice his displeasure of the instigator after going in which is an automatic game misconduct. You can’t leave the box until your penalty time expires or the period comes to an end.
    Section 9 Rule 70 Leaving the bench:

    70.4 Leaving the Penalty Bench – Except at the end of each period or on expiration of his penalty, no player may, at any time, leave the penalty bench.
    Any player who, having entered the penalty bench, leaves the penalty bench prior to the expiration of his penalty for the purpose of challenging an official’s ruling, shall be assessed a game misconduct penalty. He shall also be automatically suspended for the next three (3) regular League and/or playoff games of his Club.

  12. Sabres got absolutely HOSED with an extra 2 for "unsportsmanlike" conduct on Johnson for asking to fight how ridiculous

  13. The hit Cuylle applied was 100% legal. The morality of the hit could definitely be questioned. But that’s Hockey!
    Fight it out and grab Beers after the game.

  14. I'm getting really sick of this trend lately in the NHL of people wanting to fight over a clean hit. Seriously are you joking? This is hockey. Hits are part of the game. Im all for fighting in hockey for a reason, like if someone trucks your goalie or hits someone late or dirty, but especially this season its like every team wants to fight when one of their players gets hit with a hard, legal check and its nonsense.

  15. So now you have to fight after every clean hit? What a joke. Johnson go home.

  16. Not sure why Johnson is so pissed he got the extra 2? He started a fight after a clean hit, what you think was gonna happen. Refs got this right.

  17. The extra minutes for johnson was completely absurd and he had every right to be angry. And for those saying it was a "clean" hit, watch it again. He clearly leaves his feet to throw the hit. A 5 minute major, no, but enough to warrant a response for a fight for sure

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