@Bruins de Boston

LQR Game 32 : Les Bruins sont-ils brisés ? :Bruins @ Sauvage

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  1. Looking at these comments I feel the same but it does show just how spoiled we’ve been for the past 12-13 years. Not quite a Chicago pits or Tampa type decade but just under and it’s been great. We can all enjoy watching the young’s guys develop and then next season the cap we have to add to it all.

  2. There’s a reason why no other team wanted some of these players. It’s time to work on the young players and not bench them or send them to the minors when they make a mistake.

  3. Instead of talking negatively about the B's for like 3k characters which is basically all the fanbase has done for the past 5-6 weeks, I wanna bring some positivity and talk about me and my dad's experience from last night's Railers game and try to bring some good vibes to a pretty disheartened and panicking Bruins fanbase.

    So to start off I haven't been feeling well for the past couple days but I fought through it with some meds and I'm glad I did. Travel to the stadium was a nice 45 minute ride where me and my dad talked and listened to music. Game itself was interesting, the Railers played against the ECHL affiliate for the Bruins and it was a really good game. First period the Railers got steamrolled, just poor play all around but we were enjoying the game still. Things really livened up during the second period, the Railers went all out once that second period started and didn't stop, me and my dad got some food and drinks and the crowd popped off when a Railers player got their first ever professional hockey goal, and he'd score one more during the 3rd. During the 3rd I was able to finally eat a big meal in days, and we just enjoyed the game together, watching the Railers stomp the Maine Mariners with 5 or 6 unanswered goals, them winning 6 – 3, and celebrating one of the girls who had dressed up as a Christmas tree and looked like she was having the time of her life dancing to Christmas songs on the ice during intermission. Was a very enjoyable and entertaining game and I'm glad I got to spend some time with my dad.

    Go B's? Go B'sssssss!

  4. This really needs to be heard by the front office. They keep showing up with the same plan and ITS NOT WORKING. LETS GO BRUINS

  5. The bruins weren't as good as their record before, but there's no way they're as bad as they're playing right now either. What worries me is that these are mental lapses, and they're not getting out-talented for the most part. Mental lapses that are this bad are a sign of a systemic problem, not a talent problem. Hopefully it's something that can be corrected in season.

  6. I just wish Carlo was more physical. Not laying hits but disruptive in front of the net. Gryz plays more physical which is insane. That's what concerns me, we're getting pushed around in our own end.

  7. Without the outstanding goaltending the first two months they would be a below .500 team. Keep your expectations low.

  8. How sad is it that you get two breakaways and you sink in your seat because you realize it's not Pasternak so it'll be a save. Forehand to glove hand so predictable. Didn't work the first time, so let's try it again.

  9. We knew this was going to be ugly coming into this season. But there's something here. A team that stormed out of the gates with a ton of new pieces to arrange coupled with elite goaltending. We are now seeing the inevitable hardships that come from this new roster construction.

    But, with the way these new names and AHLers have stepped up, couped with adversity they are facing as a group right now this could result in a team dangerous (if they face themselves and addeess issues and find luck in the playoffs) enough to get to round 2.

  10. merk is listed as a left wing but i thought i saw him playing center. poor Bs. i had a bad feeling going into this week end. lots of good teams are having a tough go lately.

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