@Blues de Saint-Louis

23 décembre : Entretiens d’après-match

Écoutez l’attaquant des Blues de St. Louis Robert Thomas, le défenseur Justin Faulk et l’entraîneur-chef par intérim Drew Bannister après une victoire de 7-5 contre les Blackhawks de Chicago.


  1. Its a win and 2 pts and it was a good rally back…but JFC, you give up 5 goals and are down 5-2 against a team that played the night before and are one of the worst teams in the league. This was the type of play Army was talking about. Not being ready and going down against teams like this over and over. D is just atrocious.

  2. Love to see the boys playing with some heart. Fuck shit-cago, fuck bedard, and fuck the NHL for rigging it for the shithawks. I hope the boys shit all over them for the entire time bedard is there.

  3. Merry Christmas, my fellow Blues fans!! What a game!!
    Way to play for each other and good on you boys for never quitting! Way to play for each other, that was a gutsy, hard fought win,.. hard work and resiliency will always pay off!!
    🏒🥅 LGB!!!

  4. Don't let this fool you folks, the Blues are not a good team. We are not going to do anything in the playoffs if we even make it.

    We need to get the young kids some playing time, develop our key stars and shed as many salaries as possible. Squeaking into the playoffs for the glory of a first round exit is NOT a successful way to end this season.

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