@Avalanche du Colorado

Faits saillants de la LNH | Avalanche vs Blue Jackets – 8 février 2020

Nazem Kadri et Nathan MacKinnon ont marqué en troisième alors que l’Avalanche du Colorado battait les Blue Jackets de Columbus 2-1.


  1. I’m an Avs fan but what idiot at SN thought it would be a good idea to not show the Columbus goal

  2. Но коламбус всё равно молодцы лучше стали играть на голову💪

  3. When Avalanche scored I thought it was 1 to 0..i wasn't looking at the scoreboard until he said the Avalanche tied it up..Happy we won👍👍

  4. I watched this to see Jones goal lol only three goals all game you could include them all

  5. If they dont show goals, then whats the point of those highlight? A goal is not a highlight?

  6. Seriously wtf..watched all the recent SN highlight videos Lately and they're showing tons of SHOTS on goal but only about half the actual GOALs?

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