@Capitals de Washington

Votre récapitulatif hebdomadaire /r/caps pour la semaine du 18 décembre au 24 décembre

**Lundi 18 décembre – dimanche 24 décembre** ###Top vidéos | note | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 165 | [15 comments](/r/caps/comments/18o4q71/were_back_huge_goal_for_ovi_and_another_big_win/) | [WE’RE BACK! Huge goal for Ovi and another big win in division. LETS GOOO](https://v.redd.it/ze2wujligr7c1)| | 141 | [17 comments](/r/caps/comments/18o4vvf/i_saw_this_on_tiktok_strome_talking_to_elvis/) | [I saw this on TikTok – Strome talking to Elvis after the game ](https://v.redd.it/ugf75ajzhr7c1)| | 133 | [43 comments](/r/caps/comments/18of8oy/tom_wilson_renewing_his_rental_agreement_inside/) | `[Video]` [Tom Wilson renewing his rental agreement inside Elvis Merzļikins’ and CBJ’s heads](https://youtu.be/HHK1GcBd9Ew)| | 120 | [14 comments](/r/caps/comments/18p6567/lost_in_the_sauce_was_this_absolute_gem_of_a/) | [Lost in the sauce was this absolute gem of a headlock Marty had Jiricek in](https://v.redd.it/adkq72r6v18c1)| | 77 | [3 comments](/r/caps/comments/18ndm6s/merry_christmas_boys/) | [MERRY CHRISTMAS BOYS](https://v.redd.it/lq60q4tplk7c1)| | 37 | [4 comments](/r/caps/comments/18lhfz6/this_is_killing_me/) | [This is killing me](https://v.redd.it/1v8jxykxsq6c1)|   ###Questions / Discussions | note | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 18 | [4 comments](/r/caps/comments/18pjyuc/capstronaut/) | `[Question]` Capstronaute| | 12 | [8 comments](/r/caps/comments/18n5j4r/i_cant_exactly_remember_these_signatures_can/) | `[Discussion]` [I can’t exactly remember these signatures, can someone help me out?](https://i.redd.it/9i9aqi33oi7c1.jpeg)| | 11 | [20 comments](/r/caps/comments/18nq7x8/ice_time/) | `[Question]` [ICE TIME](https://i.redd.it/m5h0enbi7o7c1.jpeg)| | 6 | [2 comments](/r/caps/comments/18mcd5f/does_flair_not_work_in_our_sub/) | `[Question]` Est-ce que le flair ne fonctionne pas dans notre sous-marin ?| | 0 | [10 comments](/r/caps/comments/18pka4m/confused_ovis_goal_count_some_are_saying_900/) | `[Question]` Confus. Les buts d’Ovi comptent. Certains disent 900, d’autres sont toujours à 828 ??|   ###Messages restants | note | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 471 | [117 comments](/r/caps/comments/18nz5y2/alexander_ovechkin_will_score_tonightalexander/) | `[Photo]` [Alexander Ovechkin will score tonight…Alexander Ovechkin will score tonight…Alexander Ovechkin will score tonight](https://i.redd.it/yvyix9kx4q7c1.jpeg)| | 321 | [49 comments](/r/caps/comments/18o51q6/thanks_elvis/) | [Thanks, Elvis!](https://i.imgur.com/h0yygQR.png)| | 228 | [21 comments](/r/caps/comments/18pccil/tune_in_tonight_to_watch_me_run_handheld_camera/) | `[Photo]` Connectez-vous ce soir pour me voir utiliser une caméra portable pour la deuxième fois ! Je serai du côté droit de la patinoire ! Faites glisser pour la photo bonus | | 223 | [25 comments](/r/caps/comments/18o4p7a/fuck_you_elvis_fuck_you_elvis_fuck_you_elvis/) | [“Fuck you Elvis. Fuck you Elvis. Fuck you Elvis.” – Dylan Strome](https://x.com/capsreplays/status/1738027950870503801?s=46&t=IZBzdweSYEtz8jCZ0Jecdg)| | 162 | [18 comments](/r/caps/comments/18odbeg/lvis_had_quite_the_story_to_tell_post_game/) | [Lvis had quite the story to tell post game](https://i.redd.it/imz7xnsu5u7c1.jpeg)| | 156 | [19 comments](/r/caps/comments/18n5eq8/the_youth_movement_is_underway_in_washington/) | [The youth movement is underway in Washington (hopefully)](https://i.redd.it/m9j4bps5ni7c1.jpeg)| | 124 | [19 comments](/r/caps/comments/18lf7ax/unserious_team/) | [Unserious team](https://i.redd.it/qv5agcwwf37c1.jpeg)| | 123 | [4 comments](/r/caps/comments/18ol9lc/3_in_a_row_babes/) | [3 in a row babes](https://i.redd.it/wl1vqei61w7c1.jpeg)| | 111 | [41 comments](/r/caps/comments/18np70n/kinda_how_im_feeling_right_about_now/) | `[Photo]` [Kinda how I’m feeling right about now](https://i.redd.it/3ds76981zn7c1.jpeg)| | 110 | [16 comments](/r/caps/comments/18oqnf5/the_caps_young_players_are_pushing_the_envelope/) | `[News]` [The Caps’ young players are ‘pushing the envelope’, and it’s paying off](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2023/12/22/capitals-young-players-success/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)|  


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