@Ducks d'Anaheim

Pourquoi le hockey déteste Trevor Zegras

JERSEY 99 : https://99jersey.com Zegras a connu l’un des débuts de carrière les plus mouvementés que vous puissiez avoir, et ce n’est pas pour ce que vous pourriez penser. Bien qu’il ait marqué certains des plus beaux buts que nous ayons vus, il est désormais connu pour son attitude braillarde et son style de jeu embêtant.


  1. He’s got one of the most punchable faces and smile in the league. Just looks like an absolute kunt

  2. He's a douchebag. He personifies the problems with a lot of the new generation of players. They think they're god's gift to the sport and they act like egotistical bitches. There have always been generational players in the NHL, but they didn't act like these little shits. They respected the TEAM aspect of the game. The game used to be self-policing. You acted like this, you got your face smashed in. Now it's like everywhere else; act like a smug douche, and get upset when you're held accountable for being a piece of shit person. Could you imagine this prissy little crybaby playing against Probert?

  3. What pissed me off about him is he got pushed so hard but it was unearned, even went to the all star game when not selected or voted in.

  4. Corralling the puck like a lacrosse move as a pass is fine and impressive but using that same method to score should not be allowed. They don’t allow kicking it in like soccer, throwing it in like a quarterback throwing the touchdown pass, so the same should be like scoring as in lacrosse.

  5. We need to do a better job as fans and use the word "over marketed" instead of overrated in some cases

  6. Well if he ever wants to come to a team where he’ll be loved by the fans and hated by everyone else in the NHL, he should come on down to Vegas. He’d fit right in here 😂

  7. Bottom line he brings more people to hockey and that’s a good thing. His age shows in his actions but he will grow up and when he does he will be a productive player. Seems now a days people forget how fun it was to be young and have fun.

  8. "He's just a kid enjoying his time in the NHL." And people just can't stand that, can they? 😂 Because overall hockey fans (sports fans in general) are the most emotionally sensitive people on the planet. Okay maybe baseball umpires are worse, but fans are right up there 😂 I love the kid & love watching him.

  9. I hate the guy because he thinks he can do things that just simply aren’t allowed! Don’t cry that you got humbled by Sid, you deserved to get pushed and you as a player can’t try to run after him and make a drama scene on the ice.

  10. Honestly, the only reason he gets so much hype is for the 1 highlight reel goal he gets every now and then.

  11. I believe there's several NHL legends whom had a bumpy first 4 or 5 seasons Scott Niedermayer I think too needed a bit of seasoning to become the legend he was

  12. Crosby has been the biggest punk in the league for 20 years this video sounds like a whiny bitch. And z has been injured for a majority of the season so of course he hasn’t been on the radar 20 games missed

  13. If you can't defend, you have to be exceptionally good in offense, and Zegras certainly is. But Zegras is not good enough to even tie shoelaces of Datsyuk, that NHL stated.

  14. I stumbled on this video earlier today…..several hours later Zegras scores another Michigan….and Bedard scores one as well, same night! 😱

  15. Funny reading comments seeing middle aged men comment on a young star. He’ll grow into his own shell.

  16. He’s obviously got great hands and a lot of skill but he still has a long way to go to prove himself as a high end NHL player. That being said, I didn’t realize people (outside of guys like Torts or Don Cherry) didn’t like him. The NHL desperately needs more big personalities but it seems like guys like Zegras or Subban (or anyone who offers anything than the same old boring hockey platitudes) get a lot of hate.

  17. “Most respected player”, lol youngblood, might want to look up those early years of Crosby’s career. He was not widely respected. Was known as a cry baby for many years.

  18. NHL fans gotta realize u need guys like this that are good in the media it brings fans and publicity to the league

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