@Kraken de Seattle

Joey Daccord a obtenu le meilleur score parmi tous les gardiens de but la semaine dernière.

Joey Daccord a obtenu le meilleur score parmi tous les gardiens de but la semaine dernière.



  1. MartialSpark

    Sweet! Love to see it.

    Not directed at OP, but didn’t like half this sub argue tooth and nail that basically all advanced stats didn’t work when they said our goalies weren’t very good though? And that the actual problem was that our defense was broken in some way that just didn’t show up in any of the advanced or basic numbers? By that logic then wouldn’t this just be a reflection of Dumo and Schultz picking up their game or something and not leaving our goalies out to dry anymore?

    This very same model from Dom had Daccord and Grubauer in the bottom 20 of the 80 or so goaltenders for the month of November (min 1 gp). It shows Grubauer as #51 of 60 of all goaltenders with a minimum 10 games played on the season.

    So if you’re happy to see this, does that mean you likewise accept that we had been getting actually quite bad play in net leading up to the current heater? Or is there another layer to the conspiracy theory that makes it so that now the stats actually are a reflection of our goalie play despite not being before?

    I think any reasonable look at the numbers would’ve indicated all along that both goalies started really strong early season, struggled a bit around November, and Daccord obviously has popped off in a big way these last couple weeks. Daccord has maintained a bit of an edge of Gru for most of the season, and has actually been massively better in 5v5.

    I’m stoked to see goaltending as a strength again, like it seemed it would be at the start of the season. It’s going to be strange to see a bunch of people now celebrating all the same metrics they said didn’t work before when the message was a less fun one though, and downvoting anyone who dared to mention it to boot.

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