@Sabres de Buffalo

L’arbitre des Sabres-Rangers mérite d’être réprimandé

Les Sabres ont obtenu 1 point au Madison Square Garden samedi soir, dans un match aller-retour avec les Rangers. Un match qui a comporté l’une des pénalités les plus flagrantes infligées par un arbitre de toute la saison, voire des années. Sneaky Joe fustige l’officiel de samedi et appelle la ligue non seulement à faire quelque chose à ce sujet, mais à faire savoir à tout le monde quand ils le font. De plus, la première journée au Mondial junior pour plusieurs espoirs des Sabres. Et un sac postal contenant les questions commerciales des auditeurs ! Suivez et abonnez-vous sur toutes les plateformes de podcast… 🎧 https://link.chtbl.com/LOSabres?sid=YouTube Verrouillé sur toute la ligue de la LNH : chaque équipe, fantasy, espoirs et plus 🎧 https://linktr.ee/LockedOnNHL Follow sur Twitter : https://mobile.twitter.com/SneakyJoeSports Suivez l’émission sur Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/LockedOnSabres #NHL #Sabres #BuffaloSabres


  1. Refs making calls this way is like the islanders kicked in goal last season. Like how the hell does this happen like this. As if the team isn't bad enough.

  2. Sabres defencwman/ Forsards are giving up too many high danger high slot scoring chances and odd man rushes . MIDDLESTADT FAILED TO SCORE BREAKAWAY NOT OPPORTUNISTIC

  3. Ref's make quesitonable calls… and one like that just looks like a bit of point shaving at it's best.. I know at lower levels.. teams can block certain officials from their games… not sure that the pro-levels if it works that way… the league should look at things like that. I know the NFL had an official not allowed to work 1 teams games because he makes their home city.. his home… (he had season tickets before becomeing an offical.. )

  4. EJ never gets into fights just because. I saw the call and couldn't believe EJ would endup with a 10 minute misconduct. EJ didn't have that many fights in Colorado. The league is picking teams who they want to win. Refs have always been like that. Look what the Refs did to the Predators. Refs have been doing that to players and teams forever. I'm going to guess EJ will be fined probably $5,000.00.

  5. So the Ref held a grudge because someone hurt his feelings and used that grudge to call stupid penalties. He should be fired.

  6. Tim Peel was fired a couple years ago for essentially the same thing. That was on a hot mike, but if he actually said that and multiple people heard it, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets fired.

  7. For what it's worth, refs in soccer can give cards for repeated fouls or fouling a specific player a lot.

    I think the real issue is they look like they called a phantom or ticky tak foul to teach players not to question a call, and that's messed up.

  8. What is to stop nfl , nba, nhl officials from betting through someone else also? Too many “coincidences” and weird thing where the underdogs and opposite of where the money is going since gambling legalized more so where calls are made that make no sense in every sport. Bills vs Eagles and Sabres Rangers were worst for Buffalo so far this year, however this happened in all sports to all teams all every single game. Officials who don’t put their hard work , time, sweat into this can swing these games. Money always talks. Checks and balances not being established is perhaps the better question all commissioners need to answer

  9. The hit on Ryan Johnson was to his head, therefore a penalty. The only question would be minor or major.

  10. The Rangers also probably got a free pass in more than just the first, they didn't get a penalty until the end of the game, because the refs feelings were hurt

  11. I knew something was up when i saw Okposo say "don't talk to me like that" to the ref.

  12. I never knew Sabres fans were a bunch of crybabies. The dude started a fight over a clean hit, that's an instigator penalty. WAAAAHH!!!! We got more penalties than they did, WAAAAHHHH!

  13. If u start a fight after a big hit u should be fined for it send a message to these amateur adolescent jerkoffs im sick of seeing this shit

  14. Skinner has a reputation for bitching at the refs… Johnson had no business coming in after the hit. They have called that a lot. They call the 2+5+10 all over the league now for precisely that scenario. Doesn't matter when the gloves were dropped, Johnson had no business being there. No reason anybody should be challenged to fight after a clean play. Learn the rules… His name is Cuylle (Coolie) and he is going to F the Sabre little bitches up for a long time…. So get a helmet and stop whining….

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