@Blues de Saint-Louis

Corne de but des Blues de Saint-Louis 2015-2016

(Sirène de but des Blues de St. Louis) Versions : (0:00) *REGULAR GOALS* Chanson : Jeremy Boyer (Organiste) – When The Blues Go Marching In (1:03) *OT WINNERS* Chanson : Blur – Chanson 2 Miniature réalisée par Frozen Faceoff : page.htmhttp://www.frozenfaceoff.net/ SUIVEZ-MOI SUR TWITTER : https://twitter.com/NHLHornsSongs Avertissement : Je n’essaierai pas de tirer profit de cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. blues fan here. we might have the worst goal song in the league. terrible terrible terrible way to pump up your fans.

  2. +NHLHornsandSongs Sometimes, they use an extended version of this song. Just look at the Tarasenko goal against the Sabres on Nov. 19, 2015.

  3. All the people talking bad about When the Blues Come Marching In obviously know nothing about the Blues. This song is a staple to their franchise, and true, die-hard fans get pumped after hearing this. Thousands of fans would be devastated if the song changed. Leave the song alone. Long live the note

  4. Wow I love the organ goal song! I used to think it was out of place but it has definitely grown on me. Would be sad if they ever got rid of it.

  5. I was gonna blast this to celebrate Blackhawks losing, but the organ isn't really an in your face to bandwagon fand

  6. lol. i have a theory on how goal horns affect the other teams moral. blackhawks goal horn seems like a huge embarrasment especially when youre the goalie. like you think "f*ck i really messed up" but Blues goal horn just makes to goalie think "crap. oh well gotta save the next one"

    that's just my opinion.

  7. If the Blues take the Cup this year, I am walking to St. Louis in honor of my brother who always said, while he lived, that he WOULD if I would walk with him. But he cut his life short two years ago and left me to walk alone. I'm ready! Come on BLUES!!!!!! My brother was blind so he could never hope to play hockey for real real, but he followed the Blues faithfully. He was so lonely that so often, the Blues were all he had.

    HEY EVERYONE…NOT YELLING, JUST EMPHATIC ON THIS: If you love someone, do yourself a favor and go spend time with them often. SHOW them, don't tell them you love them.

  8. THIS IS SPOT ON MAN!!!!! I appreciate this!!! WE WANT THE CUP!!!! LETS GO BLUES!!!! Sink the Sharks!! St.louis wants to hoist LORD STANLEY!!!

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