@Blues de Saint-Louis

Espoirs des Bleus lors de la 4e journée du Mondial junior : la Slovaquie bat la Norvège 8-4. Dalibor Dvorsky : 2 buts, 2 passes décisives, 6 SOG, +1 note, 16:48 TOI. Juraj Pekarcik : 1 but, 2 SOG, même note, 14:53 TOI.

Espoirs des Bleus lors de la 4e journée du Mondial junior : la Slovaquie bat la Norvège 8-4. Dalibor Dvorsky : 2 buts, 2 passes décisives, 6 SOG, +1 note, 16:48 TOI. Juraj Pekarcik : 1 but, 2 SOG, même note, 14:53 TOI.



  1. STLBooze3

    What a disappointing day for Dalibor not being able to finish off the hatty like Jimmy and Otto yesterday /s

  2. surfleonardo

    Glad to see DD finally onboard, he dominated in both ends and finally it payed off. Both of his assists were fantastic. Slovakian second line would be terrible defensively without him, his wingers werent too keen on defending while DD was skating like a madman to help defence.

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