@Kraken de Seattle

À Seattle, WALL s’écrit : DACCORD ! | Kraken R&R

Réaction des fans du Seattle Kraken à une grande victoire à Los Angeles contre les Kings alors que Joey Daccord a un match en carrière ! Sièges bon marché Patreon : https://patreon.com/CheapSeatsSports


  1. From a Kings fan perspective I was a little disappointed with this one especially due to what I felt to shot domination from LA (Kings having their all time high shots all season / breaking season record for all teams with most SOG with no goal through two periods). Just hasn't felt like the same team ever since Gavrikov went out during the Islanders game. I will give props to your goalie though, I was super impressed! You guys got a solid tender down the line considering he's only 27. But anyways, good game! Hopefully your Kraken can continue performing.

  2. Totally agree on Daccord. I'll take some boring old wins any day, being assured of enough excitement if the Kraken can reach the playoffs. Could happen, I hope. GO KRAKEN!

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