@Devils du New Jersey

Bon Dieu, le métro est étroit cette année.

Holy Hell a été une victoire courageuse. Comme ici, on joue comme en 1994 et Timo Time fait un retour épique dans OT. Cela étant dit, la course aux séries éliminatoires va se dérouler jusqu’au bout à ce rythme. C’est le plus serré que j’ai jamais vu dans le métro, bon sang, toute la conférence ressemble à ça. Même si je suis sûr que les garçons peuvent enchaîner une belle séquence de victoires pour nous placer dans une place de wild card et nous permettre de faire rire à nouveau le monde des rangers. Mais d’un autre côté, je ne serais pas surpris si nous sommes éliminés des séries éliminatoires d’un point. Mais les développeurs seront là jusqu’au bout. Désolé si cela a été posté avant de vouloir exprimer mes pensées LGD !!!



  1. scarlet_stormTrooper

    Tuco Salamanca would be a Devils fan though

  2. Audi_R8_

    Getting 60% of the total available points will put you in 2nd place, and getting 57% of the total points will put you in 6th.

    Here’s all divisions separation between 2nd and 6th place by points percentage:

    Metro – .038 (WSH – CAR)

    Atlantic – .111 (TOR – DET)

    Central – .123 (DAL – STL)

    Pacific – .229 (VAN – CGY)

  3. All that matters is we’re still in the race and we frankly haven’t played great

  4. specifichero101

    Devils can definitely overcome, and I think they hold a wildcard spot by % right now. That being said, they’re going to have to outplay a lot more teams in the division going forward than expected. Capitals are the most kind boggling, because everything about them screams bad team. Yet they’re still winning. Islanders and flyers are doing well, even if isles are losing more often than winning technically. Just a cluster fuck. Need to have an immaculate month somewhere here to solidify themselves.

  5. FlyTheW1988

    Would love it if we didn’t need “gutsy” wins against teams like CBJ and Detroit and if we could hold our own against Philly and the Ducks and even Edmonton. But a W is a W, points are points, and we gotta rack em up when we can. This weekend will be a fun test of where we really are.

  6. jerseygunz

    Honestly, the thing that has made this season more stressful than it needs to be is everyone in the metro manages to get a loser point every night except us

  7. Luckily the atlantic sucks so we’re back in a playoff spot anyway 😎 …well, by points percentage.

  8. toiletting

    The Islanders being two games under .500 but holding second place ahead of 5 teams with better win percentages makes me ill

  9. DevilJacket2000

    Rangers giving their fans more false hope.

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