@Avalanche du Colorado

Tir de pénalité pour Makar contre Binnington !

À la suite d’une pénalité pour avoir joué la rondelle avec un bâton cassé, le défenseur de l’Avalanche Cale Makar se voit accorder un tir de pénalité face à Jordan Binnington.


  1. That should have never been called a penalty shot. NHL refs just get weaker every year.

  2. These American broadcasts are terrible. Playing the puck with a broken stick has been a penalty shot for ages

  3. Why would the NHL account show 2.5 minutes of their refs being bad at their jobs just to show a benign snapshot that was easily gloved down?

  4. The reason this was a penalty shot was because the Blues player threw his stick at the puck in the defensive zone. What's the best evidence that he threw it instead of losing his grip? His stick was already broken. You can see he knows it's broken, which means he has to drop it. Therefore it is a reasonable assumption that the act of releasing the stick and the manner in which he does it are both intentional. Thereby making it a throw.

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