@Ligue nationale de hockey

L’arbitre annule le penalty

L’arbitre annule le penalty



  1. SchemeSignificant166

    Really not sure how it was called back. It was completely a shove from behind right on the numbers. Totally understandable that it wasn’t a 5min but no penalty?!?

  2. PeppiGiuseppe25

    Borderline call; weird to call back. Also funny watching the Canadian coach trying not to laugh at the ref.

  3. Against-The-Current

    That ref should be fired immediately. Not only is it hitting from behind, it’s clearly boarding, and far from minor.

    Edit: Far too many of you do not understand the rules of hockey, and it shows. You’d be in the same position as the ref getting laughed at by the coach for your ignorance.

  4. Istimewa-Ed

    I know he’s American, but I wish Torts was coaching for that ref interaction.

  5. jesterpoop

    Canadiens in the crowd thinking this should be 5 minutes are delusional

  6. Ronald_McTendies

    These guys are ready for the show

  7. emasslax22

    Hockey players need to stop turning when contact is coming

  8. Particular_Tutor_46

    Probably because it was a clean hit. The Canadian made himself vulnerable. It looked like it was a hit from behind initially but, from the other angle the hit was to the shoulder.

  9. shoresy99

    I don’t know how this isn’t at least two minutes for boarding.

  10. CANUSA130

    Called on the noise. I hope the kid is okay. Game wise, no matter. The Canadians weren’t scoring even if the game had gone nine periods.

  11. GroundShxck

    that should at least be a 2 but i see why it was reversed, not a terrible

  12. ldssggrdssgds

    Refs are crap no matter what league and level

  13. surlystraggler

    It seems like he might have lost consciousness. When he’s on the ice and the Swede pulls his stick out from under his face, his head moves side to side so limply. The way Geekie was calling for the trainer seems like he might have seen it, too.

  14. Available_Emu_5896

    So any penalty can be reviewed. I thought only major penalties get reviewed. Refs are corrupt. fixed just like the clip of coin toss that hit refs skate in a Selden and usa game.not sure if this year but it was posted ? So sad .

  15. Nier_Perfect

    Annoying but Sweeden was the better team all game and this wasn’t the difference maker in that.

  16. Hutch25

    Absolutely horrible call. I expect it from the NHL, but in an IIHF tournament where the rules around injuring players is far more strict?

    That’s a horrible horrible call.

  17. Proper-Entertainer33

    Boy, I would’ve thought 21 would be a retired number for Sweden.

  18. Just_Merv_Around_it

    Definitely not a 5 minute major. But it’s clearly a 2 minute boarding call and should have been called as such.
    Ref missed the call and it sucks.

  19. jhick107

    Be gentle here folks….I am an Australian ice hockey fan but have zero experience in play and little understanding of the finer points of the rules but I would have thought a 2 handed push in the back resulting in a player going head first into the boards would have been a no brainer penalty – minutes wise I have no idea!

  20. aNINETIEZkid

    This is the only way we’ll remove turning into the boards from the game is if the players knows he won’t draw a penalty playing the puck in a « defenceless position » at the very last monent so has to brace for impact shoulder to shoulder

    Less people will get hurt in the long run as opposed to what’s happening in North America where they are gaming this to get an advantage to play the puck without contact and if they do get hit it is a substantial penalty. Players don’t respect this and keep running each other.

  21. Born-Science-8125

    Canada 🇨🇦 got out played.

  22. turbopro25

    “Really? That’s what you have? And you’re gonna stand by that?”

  23. GiraffePrint_Speeder

    I know there is a language barrier, but that ref didn’t seem very confident in his decision.
    “Hey Pete, you go tell the Canadian coach” “me? Um okay”

  24. Sarge1387

    That’s bad…but that’s IIHF officiating. The quality of officiating at these tournaments is worse than Jr B..that’s still 2 for boarding if not the five.

  25. onlysmallcats

    “Really? That’s what you have? And you’re going to stand by that?”

    Remarkable restraint by our coach.

  26. CanadianBushWookie

    Refs are very clearly biased against North American teams.

  27. Flesh-Tower

    His hand is literally on the numbers

  28. Solid-Tension5557

    Oh no, the horrible officiating plague is spreading

  29. chrisblink182

    I wish this was baseball and have the coach laying into him!

  30. MLSnukka

    Its a good call. Instead of trying to ram the guy on the boards, he just braced for impact. Legit safe check. The kid that got it really needs to learn to stand up near the boards, though. tryimg to lower yourself like this increase the risk of a knee strike or worse, a blade on the neck

  31. SubstantialTent

    I’m confused… Is hitting from behind legal in the juniors?

  32. Defiant_Check7749

    Love that this happened. It’s tough to make a judgement call in a split second. It’s okay sometimes to have to think about it for a min before you come to a final conclusion.

  33. twizzjewink

    At 12s you can see the Swedish player knee the Canadian into the board, not sure how closer to the definition of boarding you can get.

  34. skuncledeez

    Complete bullshit, clearly see the hand ON THE NUMBERS WHILE PUSHING, this kind of shit will get people killed. We started wearing full on STOP signs for a reason, an now no one seems to care🤦‍♂️

  35. gravemind006

    Have yet to read through all these comments, but I looked up the ref who announced it was waved off and who talked to Canada’s coach.

    He’s Swedish?!?!?

    You can’t tell me that’s not a conflict of interest. Even while reviewing he was doing all the talking and explaining.

    As an angry Canadian hockey fan… and yes I can acknowledge they did not play well at all today, can’t miss that many breakaways and expect to win or pass that much on the pp and expect a goal, but Canada should look into that should they not.

  36. DarthAnakin88

    This shit is ruining the sport. Anyone who decided this should be called back, should be fired from participating in international hockey in my opinion. What a joke we are making the sport of hockey.

  37. AccomplishedLab3198

    And his stick was in front of the offense. Maybe could have pulled a hooking call but it seems like he did all he could to not get the boarding hit to me.

  38. Prequels-arebetter

    I watched this live. It wasn’t a penalty, it was just a weird landing into the boards. Good review call.

  39. Rycan420

    It’s important to note that the “ref” didn’t change anything. He called it a pen.

    The review booth changed it. Huge difference.

  40. SnooFloofs9566

    It was not a penalty. Made no difference to the outcome of the game. Canada was outplayed the whole game except beginning of 1st period, stop your whining.

  41. coltonjeffs

    I’m canadian and once I saw the replay in slow mo, i said, that isn’t a penalty. I think they got it right tbh.

  42. __Valkyrie___

    Ok I see a lot of comments here but no one seems to really seemes to understand the reffs side. I was a Canadian minor hockey ref for years and although I have not read the iifh rules. This is not a check from behind like a lot of you are saying. His principal point of contact is to his arm. As well as the Canadians player principal point of contact with the boards is his shoulder not head. Well I still personally would have called a 2 min boarding call as it’s just one of those ones where he fall awkward hits into the boards.

  43. Contact wasn’t bad, there wasn’t too much force, just the canadian lost his balance and went to the boards head first. I don’t see a 5 min penalty here. There was no intent to injure and the swedish player wasn’t reckless.

  44. kingofmankind

    The ref made the best save of the game, which resluted in the scorekeeper having less paperwork to fill out.

  45. Glasterz

    From the reactions I’ve seen to the Celebrini board and this incident, I’ve determined that it’s about impossible to have a legitimate conversation about what was actually the right call.

    Some of y’all are too emotional to be discussing penalties right now lmao

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