@Ligue nationale de hockey

Au moins le Toronto Rock a gagné

Au moins le Toronto Rock a gagné



  1. Fluffy-Yak-2873

    Toronto isn’t a serious city.

  2. InfallibleBackstairs

    Fuck the entire city of Toronto.

  3. mynutsackisstretchy

    Hahahahahahaha Toronto sucks so much ass let’s devote the sub to it hahahahahahahaha

  4. hellodbone

    The « Toronto » Rock play out of Hamilton…

  5. twizzyflyguy

    Buffalo Sabres fans are going to ejaculate on themselves upon seeing this, careful y’all

  6. LukeyMagukey

    Fine I’ll bite the bait


  7. StonedImaculate420

    Did anyone notice how bad Samsonov was with Washington? A shit leopard can’t change its shit spots, Rand.

  8. Outrageous-Estimate9

    Losing to Pistons is just embarrasing

    I mean losing to a better team (Hurricanes) not so much

  9. BruisedBabyMeat

    will the city of Toronto ever recover from this?

  10. mapleleafsfan60

    Every Leafs fan on X was shitting on Marner and Nylander. They need to chill tf out, it’s a back to back game, they just had a long road trip back after the mess of a game we had with Samsonov’s disappointing performance and the painful OT loss. Despite all this we had a close game and everyone did their best.

  11. Evergreen27108

    Toronto fans are just extra insulted and jealous that y’all are living rent free in their heads. You seen their real estate prices?

  12. clarkthagod

    Buffalo and DC fans talking shit is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen

  13. xtzferocity

    LMAO the Canes twitter is awesome, love that.

  14. FrozenToonies

    Well the Rock are semi-pro, play only Friday and Saturday and are probably the best deal in the city for a night out.
    Lacrosse is super underrated during the winter months when tickets to a hockey game start at over $150 for a single seat.

  15. TerribleProfession82

    Imagine being from Cleveland or Buffalo

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