@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Conférence de presse d’introduction de Dave Poulin

Écoutez le propriétaire des Sénateurs Michael Andlauer, le directeur général et président des opérations hockey Steve Staios et le vice-président principal des opérations hockey Dave Poulin alors que Poulin est présenté pour la première fois dans son nouveau rôle aux médias d’Ottawa.


  1. Why the delay on Staios being the kingpin. Wasted 100 days when you could see this happening a mile away. Dorion was a deadman walking n they were never going to hire a GM. He’s Mike buddy n best friend. It’s not always the best hire. Poulin is an old veteran where today’s game has passed him by. Than they hire the old rearguard Jacques Martin n Alfie. Ask Edmonton if the ol boys club works. This is dumb. The Sens are going to sen. nothing to see here

  2. I've been impressed with Dave Poulin's analysis on teams and players. Glad to have him to round out the senior management group.

    They said, without actually saying it, that Bowness is being prepared for the GM job. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets promoted in the next year or two. At that point the Sens will have a President, Senior VP, and GM. A three-headed monster is a huge step up from the Dorion hot mess.

  3. When Poulin played for the Bruins I always thought he would be a perfect coach, nevermind hockey ops, not sure if Staios played with Poulin

  4. Great news another step in the right direction for this organization. The only thing I’d like to say to these three is please straighten your Senators lapel pins.

  5. From a Leaf fan, these are great picks for the Sens organization. Poulie is a class act, congrats and good luck going forward. It will be fantastic seeing the Sens in the playoffs again very soon.

  6. Leafs fans keep blaming Poulin for their failures during the Brian Burke era. Do you think Poulin really had that much say during those years? It was all on Brian Burke's failures, Poulin was a scapegoat just like Kyle Dubas was

  7. Andlauer and everyone have done such a good job this year with making the staff better with alfie, jaques martin back to new editions with staios and now poulin, bowness. The group is starting to give me hope that we can get to the playoffs rahter soon unlikely this year but you never know. But i think that next year we do have a strong chance of making the playoffs and soon having a serious chance at the cup. We just have some little kinks to figure pit like special teams although the pk has been geting better every game and when the pp starts clicking the team will be much better and the pp was good tn although we only had one pp. The sens now just need to figure out a replacement for tarasenko and kuby cause they probably wont stay and try to strengthen the d. Much brighter days ahead for the ottawa senators

  8. Great move, I've agreed with most of Poulie's analysis of the Senators, so I like this a lot. A few roster changes are coming for sure, including bringing in a bit more experience.

  9. Its reassuring to see the passion to succeed with Micheal. Smart guy on and off the ice. Maybe not this season but the promise land will come.

  10. So the sens strategy for attempting to win in 2024 is to go all in on guys who know how to win in like 1998? Yeah that should work, hire Scotty bowman next lol.

  11. Craig Berube's odds at being the next Sens coach next summer just got an awesome boost. Keep Jacques and Alfie around as a senior advisor and an assistant. I see John Gruden coming in as a assistant too.

  12. So Dave goes from making millions of dollars from TSN to a team that is near the bottom of the NHL in the Atlantic Division 🤔 interesting wonder what made him decide that over TSN?

  13. Now that that there's have a gm without sunk cost into Branny, they can finally make a logical trade. Maybe trade kubs for a pick, maybe Tarasenko for a couple to a contender. Time for a reset.

  14. Gonna miss Poulie's commentary on TSN, but a management job in the NHL is where he was meant to be!

  15. Regardless of the players' age, are the players capable of performing for the position you want them to play? Currently, Sens fans are getting the results to that question. So how are you, Mr Poulin or Mr Staios, etc, going to change that result?

  16. There is another missed opportunity. Ottawa making moves too better their team !
    Now, they need to get the players on the ice better.

  17. Dave Poulin has always struck me as a great hockey mind and this move is a positive one for the Senators. I hope they accomplish much as they move forward…

  18. Stability is not necessarily what we need. We need a vision/plan and we need people that can deliver. If they can.. then sure stability matters, but don’t have stability without accountability.

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