@Canucks de Vancouver

Les 10 meilleurs moments des Canucks de Vancouver

Lorsqu’ils sont arrivés dans la ligue en 1970, les Canucks semblaient voués à… l’échec, cependant, il y a eu de nombreux grands moments. La liste a été dressée par canucks.com au début de la saison 2010-2011, il n’y a donc évidemment rien de 2011 ici. Alors avec Pavel, Trevor, Kirk, Henrik, Daniel, Roger et tous les autres, je vous présente les 10 meilleurs moments des Canucks de Vancouver des 40 premières années. Le documentaire Ten Years Later est disponible via ce lien : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7ZzG0leeYY&list=PL41B469B81ECF4DE2&feature=mh_lolz


  1. Messier hitting someone while they're down and critics say he has the most heart??? Smh

  2. I know, I think that the 1994 team(in it's prime) could beat the 2011 team. And it's weird, '94's riot was smaller, and they "lost" by one shot off the post, and Leetch hitting Babach into McLean before the winning goal, yet in 2011 there was a huge riot for a game where it wasn't even close

  3. if that isn't the classiest acceptance speech for an award, i dunno what is, and he still managed to insult his twin… wow.

  4. I'm still laughing because the Canucks still can't say their favourite moment was winning the cup… hahaha

  5. oh man #9 ended at like some God-awful hour coffee only minimally helped i think i thought about i think i thought about the old clothes pegs in the eyes trick LOL

  6. I think the best hockey moment ever is the fall of the alberta hockey teams. hahaha oilers and flame suck notice how alberta hockey fans always diss other teams but look at there shit ass team that cant do nothing not even make the playoffs. oil fans really suck hard cock

  7. I'll tell you something! i'm sick and tired of being in second place – all of our greatest moments is just coming short.  It's pissing me off – i think i just woke up from the 2011 defeat and depression! Let's get this done, let's rebuild, let's do this in the correct and right way! I want a freaking championship!!  GO CANUCKS!

  8. this list is not bad.. but how do u leave out burrows vs hawks ot game 7. easily top 3 canuck moments.  Yet u have hank winning an absolutely useless individual award (gotta be the worst player to ever win an art ross) as 3? gotta change that lol

  9. What an asshole at 5:00, just taking the net away from Potvin right after he just lost the Western finals.

  10. So you mean to tell me that Alex burrows' overtime goal against Chicago in game 7 isn't even on there? After 3 seasons and 19 playoff games against Chicago, the Canucks finally beat them and moved on.

  11. What about the 80s and 70,s what a joke . when the Canucks finally beat the Montreal Canadians at home in 1979 .playing the montreal Canadians in the 1st round of the playoffs 1976 . canaucks winning the smith division in 1976 canucks getting to the Stanley cup final 1982 ????

  12. joke of franchise lots of memories of first round series and meaningless games typical. I thing the RIOTS Should of been number 1 when the city tried to burn itself to the ground TWICE. GO FLAMES GO

  13. If Canucks.com were to truly covering some of the best moments in The Canucks 40 year history, they should include some of their better moments from 1975-1982 such as (A) Their first ever win in their first ever playoff run in 1975, against The Montreal Canadiens, in Game 2, with Gary Smith in net, (B) Their unexpected win in the first game against The Philadelphia Flyers, during their third playoff run in 1979, and (C) Jim Nill's overtime winner against The Chicago Blackhawks in their first ever Stanley Cup final run in 1982. It's slim pickings after that till the second Stanley Cup run in 1994 and the 2000's ,but, these are moments Canucks' ownership should include in their history. The Canucks also managed to have a couple of winning seasons from 1974-76. Something they wouldn't manage again until the 1991-92 season.

  14. Stop talking about how the Burrows goal should be #1.

    That situation should never have happened in the first place.

    In 2011, the Canucks were the President’s Trophy winners up 3-0 against a Blackhawks team that were a shadow of their former selves.

    Not only that, in Game 7, they blew a 1-0 lead because Burrows missed a penalty shot and Luongo let in a weak short-handed goal with less than 2 minutes left.

    I don’t get why people think so highly of that goal.

    In 94, the Canucks were 7th place and understandably down 3-1 but came back and won 3-in-a-row all in overtime.

    Plus, they came from behind in that game.

    How could Burrows goal be better? Sheessh… celebrating a goal that should never have been needed.

  15. Still get goosebumps when I watch Pavel score that goal. He would probably get 100 goals in today's wussified NHL.

  16. If I only watched this I wouldn't realize the Canucks' first trip to the Finals was 1982. White Towels and all…..

  17. Honorable mention: Greg Adams' goal scored in overtime of game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals against the NY Rangers in 1994.

  18. You missed Bieksa scoring in overtime to eliminate the Sharks in the 2010-11 playoffs. Those 1994 playoff goals against Calgary are still painful to watch as a lifelong Flames fan. A big shout out to Jim Robson who has to be one of the best yet most underrated NHL broadcaster ever. A classy guy who had an awesome career!

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