@Jets de Winnipeg

[NHL Player Safety] Ryan Hartman du Minnesota a été condamné à une amende de 4 427,08 $, le maximum autorisé par la ABC, pour avoir commis un bâton élevé contre Cole Perfetti de Winnipeg

Hein, étrange, je pensais que les fans de Wild disaient qu’il n’avait définitivement pas fait ça exprès, tout comme il n’avait certainement pas l’intention de blesser Ehlers la saison dernière ? Curieux.



  1. OriginalAmbition5598

    Would have liked it more if they gave him a 1 game suspension as well, but I think that nhlpa needs to overall be stricter. Actually show they are taking player safety seriously

  2. Impressive-Storm-888

    That was about as sleazy as u get.

  3. the-last-voyageur

    The ref was RIGHT THERE, staring at this when it happened. What a joke that there was no penalty call, esp from a well known POS player.

  4. Dojo588

    Hartman will get what he deserves. NHLPS is bullshit. He is a repeat offender and deserves to get steamrolled. Jets need more ugliness and will need to take care of things themselves ON THE ICE. Viel and a couple other beefy players need to step up

  5. pubix__rube

    Some announcers are more Homer-ish than others. Boston, Minnie, Avs to name a few.

    It’s kind of a shame beacuse it breeds a fundamental lack of self-awareness and understanding within the fanbase.

    For a northern state and the supposed « STaTe oF HOckEy », lots of their fans sure don’t have a clue.

    The Kaprizov crosscheck happens 100 times a game. The Hartman reverse hit on Ehlers was incredibly dirty and dangerous. They’re straight up not the same. Literally every fanbase on r/hockey agreed on that which never happens. Ever.

    And on the Mild Sub they literally had to have a post about warning fans about injuring other teams fans/players. Just straight up pathetic.

  6. PleasantBreakfast978

    Crazy how Wild fans call for Dilly’s head but defend someone like Hartman who’s always involved in shitfuckery. Then they try to rationalize it by saying “League must hate Hartman” like no bro your guy’s just a fuckin rat.

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