@Penguins de Pittsburgh

GDT : Capitales de Washington contre Penguins de Pittsburgh – Mardi 02/01/2024 – 19h30 HE

[Crush the capitals](https://youtu.be/vXYsx6grIgY?feature=shared)



  1. Swearblocked

    Ok does anyone know where I can start a petition to bring back the other air horn? I HATE the new one

  2. ohslapmesillysidney

    Ovi looks like he’s skating through quicksand

  3. tinygaynarcissist

    The new horn just makes me sad. 🙁

  4. These announcers don’t sound neutral at all. Some coverage.

  5. That_Checks

    We’re gonna tie it up. I can feel it coming.

  6. ExtensionDigs

    One more complaint about these announcers, why do all three do the color commentator bit? It’s annoying. Also, and this is something many aren’t aware of or just don’t care about, but how to two of the three not know it’s « offside »? Two of them said « offsides », you can only be off one side, not both, and I get that US fans (and even players) get this wrong, but they’re anouncers getting it wrong, and I think one is Kevin Weekes, former player! I’m done complaining.

  7. tabarwet

    Commentators jumping out their seats whenever OVI! does something bro they just complimented his “smart dump in” 😭

  8. JKray5_Reddit

    These commentators are sucking too much capital cock

  9. ohslapmesillysidney

    Aging is a generous way to describe Ovi

  10. ohslapmesillysidney

    I’m convinced that these commentators have been porking Ovi in the locker room between periods

  11. tcari394

    Man, I know he has a goal tonight.. but Ovi really slowed down. I’ve always had a ton of respect for him and still do, but he looks close to retirement.

  12. tinycockboi

    I mean yeah the pens are in the midst of a 4-0 comeback but did you guys know Ovi scored his 830th career goal?

  13. Fizzyliftingdranks

    Dicks out for Sid to get this equalizer boys

  14. maddscientist

    That guy must need a special goalie mask made to fit around that enormous nose

  15. ohslapmesillysidney

    Fehervary looks like someone with chubby fingers tried to type February

  16. hiiaminabox

    I am politely demanding that the Penguins score three goals. One to tie, one to take the lead, and one for insurance

  17. michaelgia1225

    Not gonna lie… the coverage on ESPN is borderline insufferable. It’s annoying when the people broadcasting clearly don’t watch the sport. I’m not even going to bitch about the amount of cocksucking they do. It’s horrible to listen to truly.

  18. tinygaynarcissist

    This game feels like it’s lasted for a week, I am so sleepy and am driving the struggle-bus.

  19. saltzandpepper

    Shadyside isn’t really nearby the arena?

  20. Impossible_Wok1

    Am I the only one who saw the ref make a tripping penalty signal?

  21. A_cold1


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