@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Énorme COPE à propos de Tripp Tracy en haillons PGT

Énorme COPE à propos de Tripp Tracy en haillons PGT



  1. 1174239

    Don’t you just love when these dickweeds from northern cities act like hockey is some extremely complicated sport that’s beyond the grasp of us dumbass southerners?

    Shoot the puck into the net. It’s a simple game, not quantum physics.

    The sheer arrogance of these shitheads is breathtaking.

  2. Clark828

    This can very easily be a new copy pasta

  3. Ewenners

    I need to rant a little. I live in NC and don’t hate the Hurricanes for the most part. It’s funny when their fans pretend to have been into hockey for more than 5 minutes, and when they try to talk hockey it’s just so cute.
    I still like Fast and Skjei and think Brind’Amore is a helluva coach. However, they have a man in their announcing booth who deserves to suffer from debilitating hemorrhoids for the remainder of his existence on Earth.
    Tripp Tracy (if that is his real name) is one of the biggest homer douches in the entire NHL. And yes, I’m including the Penguin and Bruin announcers in that analysis. Again, I don’t hate the Hurricanes, but anything we can do as a franchise to bring Tripp Tracy closer to eternal misery is a net positive for the universe as a whole. Rant over.

  4. Blueberry_1995

    Idk how people can hate on trip, yes he is a homer but he isn’t arrogant and gives credit to other teams when they do things well

  5. gooch_norris_

    10 bucks this kid isn’t old enough to remember Brind’Amour as a player and the franchise has been in NC longer than he’s been alive

  6. The_Reddit_Browser

    I love how non fans get upset at Tripp over the dumbest shit.

    It must be hard to not have an actually fun broadcast.

    Tripp has his quirks and has had his homer moments but, he just loves the game. There’s a reason he’s such good friends with so many other broadcasters and players.

    I mean the guy was talking about Wayne Gretzky of all people texting him and asking about the play of Brent burns on the broadcast last night.

    Other fans might not respect him but the people who matter do.

  7. CHamsterdam

    That whole PGT was an absolute salt mine. I can’t wait until we sweep them in the playoffs.

  8. hoorayforsports

    Queue up the old faithful for rags/bruins fans « they’ve been fans for 5 mins ». Also super rich coming from a rangers fan when they haven’t won a cup since 94, I bet this user wasn’t even alive then.

  9. Zaphod_Heart_Of_Gold

    I’ll say it again: Tripp is a weirdo, but he’s OUR weirdo

  10. JayMerlyn

    What’s ironic about this is Tripp’s alcohol incident happened when the Canes played at MSG

  11. oooriole09

    I love it when folks get mad that a team broadcast is a team broadcast.

    Tripp is a homer. That’s his job.

  12. notyomamasusername

    I mean, Tripp can be a little much, and I’ll call him out when he starts his broken spin cycle

    « Getting bodied on the ice by the other team is playing a physical game too. »

    But he’s our asshole and I’m protective over him.

  13. NedThomas

    I don’t listen to other teams’ broadcasts. Is having a massive homer on the team specific broadcast team not normal?

  14. dankbuttersteez

    Hockey has been here for 25 years so yes people do know it for more than 5 minutes. Classic hockey gatekeepers bc they’re sore losers.

  15. a-small-dinoroo

    Rangers fans still upset about the fact the Hurricanes invented diagonal letters on a jersey

  16. yeswecanes

    Ranger fans are the worst. We live rent free in their heads

  17. patiencestill

    They have a really hard time balancing the ‘I live in NC’ vs ‘no one there understands hockey’. As if they don’t call it msg Raleigh when they play here. If we’re so full of transplants, seems like many of us were probably were raised with the game, no? So they are just bitter that we moved to the south and still hate the rags.

    Signed, a former Michigander who does not wear red wings jerseys when they come to town

  18. downhillsherpa

    So cute that the douche canoe misspelled Brind’Amour’s name while ranting about not knowing the game. Ironically, Brind’amour is actually a type of cheese. One that pairs well with his whine.

  19. charcuteriebroad

    How can you hate the man that has the entire NHL in his contacts?

  20. CultBro

    Tripp just living his best life every night

  21. bearwhidrive

    There was a time when I thought Tripp gave too much credit the other way. And now I get frustrated when we’re slow-motion looking at our guys committing blatant penalties while he goes « I guess so, but it’s not really the spirit of the rule. »

    But it’s all worth it to see the look on my wife’s face when she’s pretending not to pay attention and then he says some weirdo thing and she drops the duolinguo to make a befuddled face.

  22. Scottstark1210

    I just visited the sub. That was a huge mistake. These people have so much misplaced anger, hate, and rage that I cannot comprehend it. Maybe it’s because I am a southerner and can’t grasp the simple nuances of a game in which you can quite literally learn the nuances of said game by watching. Who knew.

  23. AJPtheGreat

    Man the original 6 fans must hate how successful southern hockey has been

  24. DuckDodgers22

    I had the misfortune of having to listen to the Rag’s broadcast. Overall they were tolerable, but at the end they’re talking about our not having goaltending and being unable to score. Dude, you just lost 6-1. Read the room.

  25. sc24Habs

    Just an FYI for all the people thinking hockey hasn’t been in then area but the last 25 years. Raleigh had a minor league team before the Canes, both Charlotte and Greensboro have a history of hockey dating back to the 50’s and 60’s respectively. People around here DO know hockey. I grew up in NC but was a fan of a different team before the Canes moved here. I appreciate them as it allows me to watch the game we all love on a professional level.
    **Know your history before running your mouth.**

  26. Ok_Run_8184

    Not doing much to dispel that ‘elitist Yankee’ stereotype there huh.

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