@Ligue nationale de hockey

Qui a tort ici ?

Qui a tort ici ?



  1. n0thingisperfect

    Well Cousins is rat so he asked for it

  2. thedeepfake

    Isn’t this the “take a number” this sub wants?

  3. soulknife20

    Everyone is wrong here. Cousins is a little punk and Zucker isn’t exactly the cleanest player. Also, why in the world would Forsling of all people step up to Zucker?

  4. archasaurus

    We’ve got a few smooth brains here on full display

  5. You can’t hit a guy when he’s down. You’ll get popped for that for sure. Not sure how he goes down like he’d been shot though….

  6. FinnsterBaby

    Mr. Cousins? A Mr. Karma is here to see you…..

  7. PagingDrTobaggan

    After Cousins leaves his feet to hit a guy on his knees, all bets are off. What a punk.

  8. emasslax22

    Cousins left his feet to hit a player who’s on his knees. Impressive stuff.

  9. Muellercleez

    Cousins is a slimy piece of shit. He’s at fault

  10. International-Elk986

    zucker for not finishing the job.

    Cousins is a rat

  11. heckfyre

    Forsling? Cousins got instant fucking karma and probably deserved at least most of what he got. Zucker hit him too hard though that was crazy. Forsling got beat up in the end because he’s lame tho is the real takeaway.

  12. AIDAN68945

    Bought a Zucker jersey after seeing this

  13. draynay

    Zucker for not hitting him hard enough.

  14. NotSoFastLady

    The NHL is wrong here. Their failure to protect players is what is driving shit like this.

  15. twizzyflyguy

    It’s ok guys it’s just nick cousins

  16. UltralightSoyBoy420

    Cousins is a gutless piece of garbage. Can dish it but flops like a fish the moment it’s returned

  17. ApeX_Affectz

    Cousins a such a fucking rat. Makes dirty rotten hits and then flops like a fish when anyone retaliates. Get this guy out of the NHL before someone gets seriously hurt.

  18. DiggWuzBetter

    Cousins is a dirty player and major rat, arguably the closest we have to a modern Matt Cooke or Úlf Samuelsson. That was a slimy headshot to a vulnerable player, I like Zucker’s response. Also nearly 100% certain Cousins was embellishing, he was fine but made it look like he got shot.

    I do think the refs got this a bit wrong, though. 5 mins boarding for Zucker, and 2 mins instigator for Forsling, those two were correct, but nothing for Cousins is wrong IMO. That’s gotta be either an illegal hit to the head or boarding.

  19. RecalcitrantHuman

    Was gonna say that but was nasty. Then I saw it was on Cousins and realized it wasn’t nasty enough

  20. CrackaAssWhiteBoy

    Cousins is turning into the biggest rat in the league.

  21. CrackaAssWhiteBoy

    Cousins reminds me of that kid on my peewee team where the coach would casually walk to him across the ice hands in his pockets everytime he went down cause he knew it was a performance.

  22. Twister341688

    Cousins is a douchbag and should be banned from the league.

  23. TheBipolarExpresss

    Cousins is, dude was being a goon and got what he had coming.

  24. myfacealadiesplace

    Jesus why is this a question. Cousins left his feet to hit a guy on his knees. After that you are going to get what you deserve

  25. RattyDaddyBraddy

    Cousins’ fall is actually comedy gold. He goes fully boneless. Slides down the glass. Arm across the chest. Flat on his back. Glove even pops off

    I wish he wasn’t acting because he deserves to get his fucking clock cleaned, but I’ll at least laugh at the theatrics

  26. Equivalent_Impact_72

    Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Cousins got what he deserved. He’s dished out enough dirty hits

  27. sextoymagic

    Zucker is one of my favorites. Cousin isn’t gonna get much sympathy from fans or players. His probably at the top of lots of players lists to hit each game.

  28. Biscuit_In_Basket

    Cousins got only a tiny bit of what he actually deserves here. Leaping to hit a player on their knees is all time scuzzy.

  29. harceps

    The fucking ref is at fault. How do you not call a major on cousins when he hit a guy who was on his knees?

  30. WTFvancouver

    This guy didn’t learn his lesson from Gudbranson

  31. Sc00tzy

    Well if the league isn’t gonna protect the players I’m not surprised they start policing themselves. Cousin got what he deserved

  32. BAYKON8R

    Jumps into a hit (illegal),right into a guy on his knees (vulnerable position). And then gets flattened by a guy sticking up for his teammate. Fuckin rat

  33. jamfan03

    The refs. These things happen because other shit goes uncalled.

  34. Putridfootball32

    Why is nobody talking about the Cousins flop/acting job here

  35. Not only was Cousins hit bad, but then he embellishes when he gets hit by Zucker.


  36. Jakovasaurr

    The guy who hit a player on his knees is wrong on the first hit, then the guy who fell like a bad actor on the second

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