@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Je n’ai littéralement JAMAIS vu un but comme celui-ci dans la LNH.

Lorsque les Canadiens de Montréal et Martin St. Louis sont arrivés à Tampa Bay, nous avons vu beaucoup d’action, des gros buts aux énormes coups sûrs d’Anderson à Cernak et l’un des buts les plus étranges que je puisse honnêtement dire, je n’ai jamais rien vu de tel ! Après un tir au but, le coup de sifflet n’a jamais retenti et même si presque tout le monde dans l’édifice pensait que le jeu était mort, il était toujours en cours et les Canadiens en ont profité pour marquer un but fou ! Lors d’une confrontation pour le réveillon du Nouvel An, ce match était amusant et je couvre tout cela dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #hockey #LNH #faits saillants #tampabaylightning #montrealcanadiens


  1. This is a fantastic explanation of what happened. That being said, I think it should also be a refs responsibility in that scenario to call it out loud instead of silently motioning with his hand to the players to keep playing. Just like they constantly yell to keep the puck moving when it’s tied up along the boards, the ref should have yelled something like, “PLAY THE PUCK FELLAS! NOBODY IS CHALLENGING!” That would be the only proper thing to do to remain unbiased in their duties as refs. This scenario presents a bit of a moral dilemma where the ref seemed to secretly give one team a clear advantage over the other.

    I’m not saying that it shouldn’t be a goal. Just saying that it was kind of unprofessional the way the ref handled it given how vocal they are so many other times on the ice when it comes to keeping the play alive. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  2. It looked like a Ref trying to throw the game to win a bet. All ten players on the ice thought the puck was dead. He clearly gave Montreal an advantage by hand signaling to play the puck.

  3. So when is there intent to blow the whistle, cos we’ve seen goals waved off without the whistle even being in the mouth? Confusing, but hilarious.

  4. I would actually go as far to say that it's (mostly at least) the ref's fault. A big part of being any game official is communication. The fact that the zebra just held his whistle to his mouth without doing anything is like watching a minor league ref…doing U10 games.

  5. 100% ref had the intention of blowing the whistle. why is ruled different but so many goals are called back bc the ref intended to blow the play dead in other instances. Also the fact the goalie had the puck covered for a few seconds.

  6. Absolute respect to the ref for not feeling "obligated" to blow that play dead. Honestly, watch any nhl game. They blow this same play dead wayyy too early. This was exactly the right call and you have to play to the fukkn whistle. Cooper is a top tier coach. This should definitely make him mad.

  7. Ref had a large bet on 100000000+ odds that Monty would score. He was disappointed that Monty settled for the assist.

  8. No players within 40 feet of another player…
    time stamp 2:12 of this video shows the ref telling the goalie (motions with right hand low lets go).
    Clearly a sloppy bit on Tampa's part 😉
    Good goal and a the ever rare goalie assist 🙂

  9. 4:40 That third Montreal goal was actually quite impressive. Not much to shoot at, yet he picks the top corner.

  10. after watching this again on your video, tampa turned away from the play so soon it really is their fault. and the ref motions to the goalie to play it

  11. Every time a long shot gets smothered by the goalie, you will see at least one offensive player skate right up to the goalie, in case the puck is loose. In this case, they just all drifted away. Kind of a lazy play there.

  12. You play to the whistle, blah blah blah, we all know that, so yes by rule we do have a legitimate goal scored. That however, does not change the fact that the officiating in this case was horrible at the very least, or even potentially a bit sketchy. In the 50 years that I have been watching hockey when a goalie covers the puck for that amount of time the play is blown dead 100% of the time. The delay of game penalty, again yes, it's in the rule books but it's never called. Realistically, if a puck gets fired in from the red line and the goalie covers it, the play will be whistled dead, so I certainly don't have an issue with guys who have been playing this game their entire lives as taking that for granted. What I actually see as the most egregious role of the ref in this case though is the subtle little hand gesture that only the goalie can see. The officials have an obligation to communicate clearly and effectively to everyone on the ice not just a select few. The ref putting the whistle in his mouth and giving that subtle little hand gesture that only the goalie could see basically looked to me as if he was signaling c'mon c'mon on here is your opportunity.

  13. I might be wrong but, isn't the ref supposed to blow the whistle if he loses sight of the puck?

  14. I had something similar happen in youth hockey. We heard a whistle blow, and we stopped playing, but the opposing player didn't and scored.

  15. I dont mind the goal but the subtle hand guesture to keep playing was sketch even the other linesman thought it was dead they moved up the ice strange

  16. The NHL is now 1000% compromised now that legalized gambling is wide-spread. It's OBVIOUS after the rash of comically ridiculous calls in ALL major sports right now that the fix is in. The NHL is corrupt to the core so save your money, suckers. They can call and do ANYTHING they want to now to make sure the bookies are making their lines.

  17. for some reason many pro athletes forget lessons drilled into them in peewees. play to the whistle is among the most common in all sports.

  18. whoa dude that was a shoulder, to chest killer blow, clean hit but nasty, not shoulder to shoulder like you mentioned, back in my day charging was only if the hitter took a couple strides before contact, he was gliding before contact, much before contact…tho the rule may have been/obviously has been, updated??? would make Don Cherry's Rock 'em Sock 'em tho eh–hehehe still I understand it looked nasty enough, guy caught with his head down tho so it's on him-and he was put down–Damn! I get now watching that empty netter, no Tampa player anywhere near the net, alot of heated discussion about it, but yeah no one around to pressure, no reason to stop play, the spark that lit Tampa's A$$ tho, so grain of Montreal steak spice and all… ;p Happy New Year man!

  19. Yes. You always play to the whistle. However, you can also argue that the ref delayed that whistle longer than usual. And then the blatant signal to the goalie and defenseman to continue play is highly suspicious. Someone check his betting history…

  20. This sorta happened to Ottawa last year, to Mads Søgaard. Except it wasn’t a 200 foot goal.

    Mads covered the puck, everyone stopped playing, he lifted his hand, thinking the whistle had gone. But the whistle never went. Even though he covered it for a good 3-5 mississippis while opposing players were on him.

    So the other team whacked the loose puck into the net. And it was deemed a good goal. The whistle had indeed never been blown.

  21. Have you ever heard of “intent to blow the whistle”?

    It’s a dumb rule because it has overturned goals before. And this play is EXACTLY why it’s a dumb rule. Guys are taught to play until they hear the whistle and if a ref has the damn thing in his mouth for 5 seconds WHERE/WHEN was the intent???

    The rule needs to be changed and the fact that this goal stood (rightfully so in my opinion) is the exact reason why.

  22. The role of officials is to keep the game fair, we see that the linesman is skating to retrieve the puck for the faceoff, instead of that finger sign the ref should have screamed not dead or give the penalty. As it is, Montembeault kept the puck like 4 seconds, the ref gave him a personal sign while Tampa players, some Habs players, a linesman stopped acting as it was a live play. Refs need to stop acting as the main characters and just fully do their job.

  23. The shady thing is the ref that didn't blow the whistle motions to play on only to the the Montreal players with a down low hand motion, almost like he didn't want to alert to the Lightning that the play was live.

  24. kinda weird that a play isn't blown dead when the whistle in the ref's mouth but could be blown dead when the whistle is nowhere near the ref's mouth

  25. Love the Bolts, but the refs didn't whistle and the goalie by rules of the game has the chance to either freeze it or play it, so you can get mad at the call, but it's still the right call.

  26. Maybe this is a sign that we should finally stop attaching a DJ to everything. Look what happened in the 90's. Limp Bizkit.

  27. Don't put your whistle in your mouth and make believe you are stopping play. Then when the arena music starts you signal to the goalie to play the puck. Horrible officiating.

  28. I don't think that is a fight worthy hit. Sure it looked bad in real time, but it was pretty clean. That 10 minute could have been a killer.

  29. Yes in Hockey you play to the whistle..In Boxing its protect yourself at all times..So its on the players on the ice to be aware of the whistle..yeah the DJs noise didn't help but you have to be aware..At all times…

  30. I actually had no idea the goalie was forced to play the puck if there were no opposing players nearby. It makes perfect sense, I guess I just never got to see a moment where there was nobody challenging the play at all. Wild stuff.

  31. Teams want quick whistles to prevent the goalies from being whacked at… the ref should have been clear that play was still on. A small hand gesture to the goalie doesn't cut it.

  32. tHeY cHeAtEd

    That’s why you play till the whistle! Force goalie to make the stop. Don’t assume play is “dead”. Blame the arena DJ, not the refs. You still won anyways.

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