@Canucks de Vancouver

Légende ceci…

Francesco a l’air heureux lors d’un match des Canucks avec Chad et Wayne.



  1. Saskatchewack

    « Then he actually said, ‘I have nothing to do with hockey operations’ « 

  2. boipinoi604

    That’s a nice cardigan on the gent

  3. Angry_beaver_1867

    When the cool kids only hang out with you because you have the best toys

  4. leftlanecop

    “I wonder if they’ll let me work the blueberries farms this year. They don’t let me into the rink any more.”

  5. the-man-without-a-pp

    ”You know that young lad is a defenceman”

  6. ShiftyMcFly85

    “I hear they’re going all the way this year!”

  7. bigfishflakes

    Wrecked him? I damn near killed him!

  8. downvotesanimals

    « Ooooh, fuckin good one there, eh bud? »

  9. chilltronic

    “then Francine over here busted the biggest queef I’ve ever heard… and I played with Messeir!”.

  10. Curtis__E__Flush

    « So I tied a turnip to my belt, which was yhe style at the time! »

  11. xizrtilhh

    « Hey Gretz! Did that edible kick in yet? »

  12. Offgridiot

    “Wayne, what did Francesco just say?”

    “I don’t know, man. I think he’s been smoking the pipe again, if ya know what I mean.”

  13. 4N0NYM0US_GUY

    “It’s a $4,000 watch; I got it for $1500 bucks” 🤷🏻‍♂️

  14. Pierre Pollievre rally in Northern Alberta

  15. Low_Entertainer_6973

    and I said “ 25% ownership isn’t going to work for me “

  16. notmyrealnam3

    Ovechkin is catching up and this is how you remind me? By bringing me to a Canucks Sens game?

  17. cnydude

    99 – « I used to eat a couple of hotdogs between periods. I ate them like this. »

    Francesco – « I’m always the bridesmaid, never the bride. »

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