@Flames de Calgary

Morning Embers : Nouvel An, édition New Start

Les Flames ont battu le Wild 3-1 Huberdeau avec un point en janvier déjà Blake Coleman… Tellement chaud en ce moment

[Condensed Game Here](https://youtu.be/KDHHrjKKVAQ?si=3wppoKw_eavA7r4s) Prochain match : 4 janvier contre Nashville à 18h00 HAR



  1. thuglife_7

    Not just a point, but a goal!! Honestly, I just want good things for this franchise. Whether we rebuild, or retool, nothing but good vibes from our team.

  2. yeggiest

    This team got the lead in the first and then held it for the whole game. That has been very rare this season, and I am very very happy to see it.

    Great first, good second (even with the goal against), sloppy start the third but they cleaned it up and applied great pressure at the end. Markstrom was once again, fantastic. Hubby and Mang scored which is massive, and the icing on the cake: Blake freakin Coleman is tied for goals with McDavid.

    I am a happy man today.

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