@Ligue nationale de hockey

5 minutes + faute de jeu pour McMann

5 minutes + faute de jeu pour McMann



  1. toedragrelease

    2 min boarding maybe.. but it was shoulder on shoulder. Keep your head up.

  2. Intelligent_Ice_1919

    As a ducks guy. That did seem excessive. But I guess I’m also not a zebra so……

  3. Wow an ejection for being stronger then the guy. Nhl really trying to become a no hit league.

  4. you-bozo

    That shouldn’t have been a penalty at all

  5. AirborneMarburg

    Excessive call, but with the amount of notable hits from behind this season I bet that Gary has told them to tighten it up.

  6. redwingjv

    That’s an awful call, 2 min minor and go on with the game

  7. Gray-yarg2

    Jesus Christ seriously? NHL no hit league now?

  8. IsolationAutomation

    2 minutes for boarding at most, but it shouldn’t even be called.

  9. Named_User-Name

    It was fairly far away from the boards and at an indirect angle. Seems excessive.

  10. BruiserCruiser13

    Damn brutal hit but only should have been a 2 min boarding. It wasnt his fault that the guy had just followed through with a pass and was just in the worst possible body position to take that hit.

  11. Fastsmitty47

    This is borderline not even a penalty, but two minutes at most

  12. Dustymanitoban

    Onus is on the hitter, Mcann doesn’t need to finish him here

  13. If it’s a hit from behind call it hitting from behind!! Hardly a hit from behind. Don’t think it was a penalty at all, loose puck battle the smaller player lost!! Garbage officiating yet again. Worst officials in pro sports!!!

  14. Palenehtar

    Boston fan so no stake here, this isn’t even a penalty. What is the NHL coming to?

  15. Unlucky hit. Was shoulder to shoulder. Unfortunate he went into the boards. The way she goes

  16. __Valkyrie___

    How do some of you think this is not a penalty? At very least boarding and the reason it’s 5 and a game is he was not able to get his hands up in time to defend him self. This is why I had to quit reffing.

  17. teddywasthename

    In real time it was not to bad imo but you kinda shouldn’t finish those hits when you that distance from the boards. Shit be dangerous nowhere near as bad as the cousins one tho

  18. jjbjeff22

    For some reason I saw “McCann” at first and was very confused

  19. roosterjack77

    McCann had time to stop skating and setup for the hit. Mintyukov hestitated so he could play the puck well into the zone instead of chipping ahead a couple feet. Mintyukov either bitches out and chips the puck or he eats the hit to play it deep. Mcann either lets up or he takes a boarding penalty because he pressures the man. Game misconduct is steep

  20. icheerforvillains

    It ended being fine, Anaheim got a 2min instigator and took another penalty during the remainder of the 5min so they barely got any PP time out of it.

    But that being 5min is an absolute joke.

  21. vbcbandr

    That’s a situation where the guy has gotten rid of the puck and the checker should hopefully let up in the spirit of not hurting someone but the check looked legal.

  22. Equal-Abroad-9039

    This is a penalty at all? Doesn’t seem like it.

  23. hellodbone

    That’s a dangerous play, but not illegal.

    I don’t blame the refs for calling the major so it could be reviewed. Mintyukov is racing to get to centre to avoid icing it and McCann is just trying to head him off.

    Its a contact sport.

  24. CoastalAdventur

    Nobody protects themselves properly.. duck boys fault

  25. Rockhardwood

    Lots of people who think boarding is actually hitting from behind with a fancy name

  26. Alive_Recognition_81

    This league man… that’s not even a penalty, it’s a clean hit with a player choosing to make the play instead of protect himself in a contact sport.

    Shoulder to shoulder, both players can see each other, elbow is low and tucked, makes contact and drives through the hit like your taught. There is no use of the elbow, he makes the hit and finished work a follow through push with his arm.

  27. Initial-Ad-5462

    5 minutes for boarding seems right here. Don’t expect anything further from DOPS, unlike Zucker who got off lightly with 3 games.

  28. Consistent-Diver-180

    Hey look I found all the Leafs fans!

  29. Giga1396

    Yeah well it’s the Leafs so obviously they’re gonna make that call

  30. SKirby00

    I’m always saying they’re not calling boarding strictly enough, but this was a bit excessive. Not because it was a shoulder on shoulder hit (that doesn’t matter for boarding), but rather because the player receiving the hit was able to get his arms up to protect himself from going headfirst into the boards.

    That being said, boarding is so dangerous that I’d rather they over-call it than under-call it. Either way though, you gotta stay consistent and this just isn’t remotely consistent with other recent calls such as Cousins on Gudbranson.

  31. The onus is always on the hitter. You can’t make that hit 5 ft from the boards. Great call refs

  32. RikimaruRamen

    Clean hit, just unfortunate position the Ducks player was in

  33. ViewedConch697

    The only boardings that get called are the ones that aren’t even boardings I guess

  34. Stimpleton89

    Was at the game, pretty sure he was bleeding hence the 5 minute major. His cheek went straight into the boards

  35. DiscussionBeautiful

    Closer and closer to No Hit League… unfortunately

  36. OwieMustDie

    Fine check. Does raise an eyebrow being mere feet from the boards like that, but I don’t see why McMann would get tossed for it.

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