@Canucks de Vancouver

Patrick Johnston à propos de son entretien avec le camp de Pettersson sur la prolongation, Lekkerimäki et les options commerciales des Canucks

Après une conversation avec l’agent, Patrick Johnston de The Province se prononce sur les négociations entre les Canucks et Pettersson. Jonathan Lekkerimäki est-il une future star des Canucks ou le meilleur moyen d’ajouter un gros morceau à la date limite des échanges ? Présenté par @ApplewoodAutoGroup (https://lnk.to/SPApplewood) https://twitter.com/sekeresandprice https://www.facebook.com/SekeresandPrice https://www.tiktok.com/@sekeresandprice https:/ /www.youtube.com/sekeresprice https://www.instagram.com/sekeresandprice 📧 live@sekeresandprice.com 📲 778-402-9680 https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rinkwidevancouver.com


  1. Please stop calling him Lek KER i maki. It's pronounced LEK keree makee. The emphasis is on the first syllable and the i is always like a long e as in "pizza"

  2. So at what point does a player say i will take less so you can get another high caliber player so we can win more. You could give Pettersson 8or 9 million and put that extra few million into another 8 or 9 million dollar player. We have all seen what is happening in Toronto

  3. As a fan who really enjoys watching him play I'm hoping for max term, but my brain thinks it more likely that they do some sort of bridge deal. I just hope the Canucks can get 4 or 5 years because a 3 year deal does almost nothing to quiet contract talks since the spectre of resigning has only been pushed a couple seasons down the road. I have no resentment for the guy and I'm sure his teammates understand that it's the business of hockey, but there's something a little unnerving about a sort of unspoken threat hanging over the team of "Be good or I'm leaving" so I hope they can get it resolved in such a way that this group can focus on hockey for the next few years when their window seems to be right there.

  4. Tocc's a great teacher….he can do and teach…high level of inter subjectivity he possesses. He did interesting break downs on TNT too.

  5. With the oel buy out hurting this team im excpeting a 3-4 year deal with petterson.

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