@Blues de Saint-Louis

Sujet d’après-match : Canucks de Vancouver contre St Louis Blues – 04 janvier 2024

2023020596 STL gagne, 1 – 2.

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  1. Mathracer101

    20 push-ups. Parayko Goal. My favorite kind of Blues hockey.

  2. STLBooze3

    Thomas was selected as our all star and he showed it tonight, and almost every single night, why that’s the right decision.

  3. IceKing827

    That’s fucking hockey right there. None of that pansy ass, dick-tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the ice, men deliver their newborn baby on the bench. Fucking hardcore dick in the ass butterball fuck it chuck it gametime shit. Blues hockey is back, baby!

  4. warriorathlete21

    Drew Bannister got onto that bench, remained professional, and did not commit any inappropriate sexual acts towards any of the players.

    He got the boys going with his honesty and legitimate leadership.

  5. Undefeated this year. We might never lose again.

  6. callmepaulwall

    Thomas please keep that goal scoring up you are elite. Huge win against a tough team. LGB!

  7. jormun8andr

    anyone else see that hug by Hayes and Colt at the end there haha

  8. ismokedajoints

    63 was having a shooting gallery tonight. Shocked he didn’t get one when he had almost 1/3 of our shots

  9. Pantsman1084

    3 Stars of the Game:

    ⭐ – All Star Thommer

    ⭐⭐ – Binner

    ⭐⭐⭐ – Big Colt 55

    Great game against a great team. They didn’t fall flat after that first goal and played well the rest of the game.

  10. mhanna86

    I feel like us blues fans should hate the Canucks more than we do. Lots of bad history for us there.

    Be worse, Blues fans.

  11. Bro behind them needs to chill on the booger sugar jfc.

  12. sausagefestivities

    Honorary star to the fan going feral behind RobThom on the bench

  13. JordanKyrouFeetPics

    Chiefs would be a lock for another Super Bowl if Thomas played WR

  14. ThanksABunchDad

    Every time I hear the name Thatcher I think of the movie A Knight’s Tale with Heath Ledger. It’s an underdog story, kind of like…. the Blues beating the Canucks tonight.

  15. jaredcnote

    Our schedule this month is ugly. Can’t believe we won tonight.

  16. OreoMnstr

    We have gone undefeated this year. We may never lose again.

  17. Steel_Bolt

    Literally doesn’t matter what team the blues can find a way to win or lose. An enigma.

  18. FlexSealClubber

    Robert Thomas’ shot stats are crazy this year compared to his last 2 years

    He has never had more than 115 shots or 20 goals in a season and already has 79 shots and 16 goals all while only having an additional 2 mins TOI.

  19. Trick421

    I love it when the St. Louis Blues win hockey games!

  20. bonathan

    Man, this team does really well when they shoot the puck more and score more goals than the other team.

  21. reenactment

    This blues team under bannister has had 1 bad game. 2 of the 3 losses were respectable efforts that we would take any day. If they can do 7-6 this month or better we might be looking at having a chance to build some momentum.

    This is the weirdest team in recent memory. We’ve always played to our competition. But this team is the most polarized version of that I’ve seen. And sometimes we have dominated those good teams. Interesting group for sure.

  22. Oldwoodguy

    Stoked on 55 this year. Be nice to get some more scoring depth. We came from behind. I got covid, I think at the Stars game. I was in town helping get my folks and get hospice care set up for my dad. Then I had to leave of course the risk of infecting him. Sad times so now I’m in a shitty motel in Nebraska on my way back to Idaho. This win made such a shit week a bit better for me. LGB

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